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Missing starfield? **SPOILER**


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I am at the point where you are searching for the shield array on the doomgiver and you come across a turret you can control and shoot at tie fighters as they pass by. Seems to me there should be a starfield as a background to those tie fighters flying by, but I get a pale yellow background instead. I also notice this in the big window on the deathstar mp map in the hangar. Anyone else notice this? Is there supposed to be a starfield in these places?

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There was a comment about certain video cards not being able to draw a star lite background and It would appear to be different color of sorts. I believe it was the Geforce 4 cards that had this problem and the fix was not to use the Detenator drivers but use an older version driver.. I cant help you much because but I have a Gf 4 and the newest Det. drivers and I have not had a problem..

Good luck

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I've had this problem with my old Geforce2 (which is the same card as the Geforce4 MX, BTW) before my Geforce3. Certain drivers made skybox type skies (an example would be Q/Q2/Half-life/etc.. skies vs Quake3 skies) give off a HOM'ing (Hall Of Mirrors) like effect. I had this problem with Quake3:TA (they used the old skiebox effect in most of they'er maps). The normal shader effect of the texture of skies moving worked ok, but when a map used the skybox effect I got the HOM. I fixed it by downloading different drivers.

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