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Improvements for Expansion Pack *Spoilers*


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I just finished the single-player game of Jedi Knight 2. Overall, I would say that I was very impressed with the diversity of the environments, the quality of the graphics and of course the incredible lightsaber combat and Force Powers. My first encounter with a Reborn on Cloud city definitely qualified as a key moment (more on that later).


Having played the original Jedi Knight, I thought the plot of Jedi Knight 2 was on par with the original and Raven did a good job of conveying it to the gamer through the cutscenes.


One of the things that this game lacked, in my opinion, were the memorable battles against the Sith Lords that Jedi Knight I had. In particular, the final battle against Desann didn't really give me any sense of conclusion as the battle against Jerec in the original did. I found the battle against the Sith apprentice in JKII much more memorable than the final one against Desann.


Here's a list of improvements that I would like to see in any expansion pack:


1. More fights against Sith Lords. Kyle's force powers could also vary in a fight or his force stamina could vary. Kyle looked quite powerless against the 2 Sith in the game and we all know that Kyle is definitely not your run-of-the-mill Jedi. In terms of kills, he's obviously second to Darth Vader and could probably take on Darth Maul with a pair of chopsticks.


2. Sith Lords should have more variation in their powers. A Sith Lord may be a master in lightning but possess no force pull.


3. Different fighting styles for Jedi and Sith. Apparently, Episode II will be the first Star Wars movie to showcase different fighting styles amidst Jedi. It would be nice to encounter a Sith with a different fighting style altogether.


4. Soul Calibur-like super-moves. As cool as Kyle may be, anyone who has seen Mitsurugi pull off one of his unblockable attacks will tell you that Kyle's fighting style can't hold a candle against it. Imagine the ability to enter a Force frenzy where you slice and dice in all directions.


5. More key moments. I felt that Kyle didn't interact enough with the environment. It's true that an FPS should rely more on action but I would have loved to have been able to speak to the Jedi in the academy a little instead of hearing the same cold answer each time. A cutscene where Kyle speaks to the Jedi would have added so much and even challenges them to a practice duel would have been nice.


6. More plot reversals. As we all know, the paths of a Jedi or Sith are never pre-determined. One of the moments that I remember best in the original JK was the fight against a Sith that turned to the light side right before dying. That's what I call a key moment.


I'd love to hear what improvements you would like to see in the game.



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Very Interesting post!


1. More fights against Sith Lords. Kyle's force powers could also vary in a fight or his force stamina could vary. Kyle looked quite powerless against the 2 Sith in the game and we all know that Kyle is definitely not your run-of-the-mill Jedi. In terms of kills, he's obviously second to Darth Vader and could probably take on Darth Maul with a pair of chopsticks.


I agree 100%. We had 7 Dark Jedi in the original JK and it was a lot btter for it. The REborn were at time a simple bunch though the shadowtroopers did make up for ut in some way. LOL @ chopsticks!!


2. Sith Lords should have more variation in their powers. A Sith Lord may be a master in lightning but possess no force pull.


Well Desann used push and pull a lot. Tavion didn't really so maybe add a few more things for her.


3. Different fighting styles for Jedi and Sith. Apparently, Episode II will be the first Star Wars movie to showcase different fighting styles amidst Jedi. It would be nice to encounter a Sith with a different fighting style altogether.


It would be nice but it would require a lot of work for various animations etc. Good idea though. There are 4 stances though in the SP game (setforceall 500 for the 4th stance)


4. Soul Calibur-like super-moves. As cool as Kyle may be, anyone who has seen Mitsurugi pull off one of his unblockable attacks will tell you that Kyle's fighting style can't hold a candle against it. Imagine the ability to enter a Force frenzy where you slice and dice in all directions.


I don't agree on this. Soul Calibur was a beat-em up, while this is a FPS. I just don't think it would owrk as much. Maybe a bar where you get say unlimited force for 30seconds once you take a certain amount of damage!?


5. More key moments. I felt that Kyle didn't interact enough with the environment. It's true that an FPS should rely more on action but I would have loved to have been able to speak to the Jedi in the academy a little instead of hearing the same cold answer each time. A cutscene where Kyle speaks to the Jedi would have added so much and even challenges them to a practice duel would have been nice


True. The only way to get near the Jedi in Yavin is to use noclip. There was very little interaction. Maybe some Deus Ex style interaction!? (hint) :)


More plot reversals. As we all know, the paths of a Jedi or Sith are never pre-determined. One of the moments that I remember best in the original JK was the fight against a Sith that turned to the light side right before dying. That's what I call a key moment.


"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny"


But I have to agree. Yun's death really pissed me off and I enjoyed kicking that *****es ass over it!!

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I think two things a lot of folks are hoping for out of an expansion pack are Cooperative missions (ie: Serious Sam style classic coop and UT's Assault style missions) and Class Based gameplay mods (ie: MotS, Team Fortress, etc.).


That and the requisite bonus weapons, an insane load of skins and new maps, etc...

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I just finished the single-player game of Jedi Knight 2. Overall, I would say that I was very impressed with the diversity of the environments, the quality of the graphics and of course the incredible lightsaber combat and Force Powers. My first encounter with a Reborn on Cloud city definitely qualified as a key moment (more on that later).


Actually by the time I had got to this part, I had the Darth Maul skin which overrides the Reborn skin (at the time) so I was greeted by Darth Maul :)


Was strange but I have to say the model looks great for DM when it is up close.

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*spoilers* (Well, kinda)


I also agree to one of your points...there was no key fights and the build up to Dessan was kind of useless. His on screen time was about 20 mins, not good.


And even when he died, he didnt go out like a bang like Jerec did in JK...he just collapsed and died and Kyle didnt even say a word about it. Talk about non-cinematic...

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I agree with Jokis, though really enjoyed the end. But thats because I pulled off the most inspired fight of the game.



I did like the mirror thing, should have been more tricks on you like that in the biuld up to Desaan, to add tension.



You walk into a room and Jerek (thats right, Jerek)

jumps out and attacks you. A few blows are engaged

and he fades away laughing.



Or something like that.



But your right, the sweeping cinematics of JK would have spiced it up. Personally I'ld have liked to have seen live action/cgi cutscenes like in JK. (Even though that was probably what pushed it onto two disks) It would have made the story more engaging to have whats_his_chops and whats_her_chops from JK acting.


Only problem would be how to get luke in. Hmmm.

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