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jo + sof2


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Yeah, that is one thing that has always impressed me about Raven, Some companies take forever to put out a game. Games like Unreal, Half-Life, Duke Nukem 4, that ION game always take years to get out the door.


Not only does Raven seem the first company to put out a game using the latest iD engine aside from iD of course.


Hexen II was the first Quake I engine game (beat most other by about a year)

Heretic II was the first Quake II engine game

Elite Force was the first Quake III engine game.

Quake IV will be the first Doom engine game.


But not only that, but they now can put out more than one game a year. They must have a good crew. The best part is that their games don't suck either.



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SOF2's *new/improved* ghoul damage modeling engine, is supposed to be much more realistic than SOF's (where peoples' heads explode clean off with a single shot of a Desert Eagle) :)


I don't think we'll be seeing arms and legs strewn about in SOF2, like we do in JK2 or SOF..

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I don't think we'll be seeing arms and legs strewn about in SOF2, like we do in JK2 or SOF..


I know... its disapointing... it was the comic book violence that made the game so much fun... One of the best scenes Ive ever had was when about 12 Iraqis came at me from all directions. I threw two granades behind boxes to see bodyparts fly out, and then started ripping the others to shreds with my machine gun... oh it was heavenly...


What would have been cool is if they had pout the per-pixel dammage points into JK2 so that you could see the scars of where people were hit by lightsabers.

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I don't think we'll be seeing arms and legs strewn about in SOF2, like we do in JK2 or SOF..



You obviously havent seen any of the recent videos of it. From everything ive seen, its gibtastic.



btw SOF2 OWNS JK2 ;) (proably not , but at least my in my little tactical shooter type mind, itll get a lot of love from me :D )

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if you mean gibtastic when there's explosives used, then perhaps.. but running through a pack of people with a shotgun or DE blowing arms and legs off with a single shot, won't be happening.. every interview I've read, has them saying how the damage modeling will be much more realistic and not nearly similar in that respect to the original SOF..

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yes, but I still believe that there will be some gibbness.


you should be able to blow someone's head off by shooting them point blank with a shotgun, but at 8 feet away, it's unlikely.


also, what would be awesome: when you shoot someone with a sniper-rifle, it blows a chunk of their head instead of the whole thing. Kind of like the Geo-mod effect in Red (crappy) Faction, only on humans instead of walls.


can't wait!

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Speaking of Red Faction. Its too bad they couldn't incorporate it into JK2 somehow. I don't mean they should have used the RF engine for it, I mean it would have been cool if they implemented the geomod technology into the Q3A engine.


How cool would it be to use your lightsaber to cut a hole in a door? I can tell you right now. Very cool.

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yea... that'd be nice, the only problem is Red Faction was choppier than stir fry in multiplayer if there was ANY geo-modding going on. In single player it'd be nice, but multiplayer? NO!


Also, you have to consider that Red Faction was made by Valve, JK2 by Raven. Two different engines, it'd prolly not work.


good idea though... can we say MOD?

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One thing that really sold me on SoF2 was the random map generator :) These things come with about every single real time strategy game, but, correct me if I'm wrong, this is the FIRST ever random map generator for a FPS. Just think of every round you play has the possibility to be on a totally different and new map you have never seen before nor anyone else has :) Oh yeah, and it looks like it could possibly (HOPEFULLY) be a CS killer. Oh how i wait for that day when that game comes :)

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Yes, Raven Software is a damn good developer.

Been buying all their games since Hereticii, which for many years was my fave online game. Now I suppose JK2 will take its place.


Cant wait to start making maps for this game, and i have high expactations for what the mod-community can do.

There is a very cool Class-based teamplay mod for Hereticii named THF ( http://www.raven-games.com/hosted/thf/index_heretic2.shtml ) that I think would be really cool for JK2 for an example.


SIN was the first Q2 based game btw :-)




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Not only does Raven seem the first company to put out a game using the latest iD engine aside from iD of course.


Hexen II was the first Quake I engine game (beat most other by about a year)

Heretic II was the first Quake II engine game

Elite Force was the first Quake III engine game.

Quake IV will be the first Doom engine game.



Actually, that list is slightly inaccurate. Hexen II is correct. Heretic II was definitely not the 1st Q2 game. Sin, by Ritual, was, I believe. Heavy Metal F.A.K.K. 2, also by Ritual, was the first Q3 game. I could be wrong about this, but I'm certain. Also, Heretic 1 and Hexen 1 were also id engines (Doom engine).

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