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Difficulty levels


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What exactly are the differences between the difficulty levels?


Well ok, you have less health and enemy weapons do more damage, I figured that much.


But I don't have the impression that the enemies are actually fighting any better on higher difficulties... especially not the reborn and other saberwielding NPCs.


Or am I wrong?

Do they actually fight any better on 'jedi master' compared to 'padawan'?




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well they have more shields (im not sure about health, because stormtroopers die very quickly when they fall =P)


the 'jedi' use a larger variety of force powers....


you have 50 health and shields in master...


i dunno...i didnt really see many differences in facing desann in padawon or master, but i dunno....just taking more hits is generally the case


im not sure if they have better or faster aim or not...heh...maybe we can ask some raven guy


most of this is speculation, so yell at me if im wrong =)

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The Reborn most definitely fight better on Knight and Master diff levels, they will block better, attack better, and be less susceptible to force push etc.


Facing two shadowtroopers on Jedi Master is a REAL tough challenge.


Tavion is definitely harder on higher diff's, but Desann is a cheating SOB, so I imagine for him it doesn't make much of a difference. The battle against Desann also isn't very fun (doesn't last long, either he'll Push / Pull / Saber Throw you to death, or you'll get two big Strong attack chops in et voila.) when you compare it to the attrition fest you get against Tavion.


Troopers are much more accurate on higher diff levels, and there are more enemies (I think about 10-20% for Knight, and 20-25% for Jedi Master difficulty.) They also do more damage, AND they will use alt fire lots more.


All in all, if you found normal to be easy, go to Knight or Master, you'll enjoy the challenge.


Only bad thing ofcourse is level 5 and 10... :(



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I've played through the game on Jedi and I am on the last level, Yavin, on Jedi Master. The game wasn't that much harder on Jedi Master, except, the freakin first few levels w/o my lighsaber and force powers were near impossible. The level where you had to protect the prisoners took me serveral tries, but after the game was pretty easy. Reborns are funner to fight, and the battle against Tavion was really fun, and a lot harder than it was the 1st time. And freakin shadow troopers, especially if there is more than 1, are a pain in the ass.

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Originally posted by hannibal09

I set the difficulty on Padawan to get a feel for the game, thinking I could change it later--and now I can't figure out how to change it. Any ideas? Is this even possible, or do I need to start over?



yes, you need to start over

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