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strafe jump / bunny hop


is strafe-jumping a cheat that should be removed?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. is strafe-jumping a cheat that should be removed?

    • Yes. (Raven, please patch it!)
    • No (Raven, leave it in!)

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well.. JK2 levels are pretty big, and when I die and respawn at the other side of the level where no action is, I'd like to get to the action ASAP....

running towards the action takes too long, so I either roll my way over there, or strafe jump. Both look stupid, but I'm not spending half an hour running a marathon at JK2's normal snail speed to get into the action.


So either leave strafejumping in, or make us run faster.. (or even make the levels smaller lol)... just don't leave us with that slow running!! :(

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Then put 3 point on Force Speed then.


But of course you'd prefer to have those point on Grip and use the exploit. Whether you think it's ok in other games or not the fact that you can use it instead of an entire force power is clearly a balance problem...

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A poll about it is a good idea. Anyway to merge the threads and keep the poll going? You shouldn't have put all those questions in the thread starter really if you didn't want debate. :) Beside if no one posts the thread will drop of the board very quickly (unless stickied).


Mod Merge!!!

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I promise myself I won't reply to this, and then I'm forced to :D


anything that gives an unfair advantage to one player over another makes the game have less replayability
Everyone has access - where's the unfair advantage?
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Originally posted by 70-228

A poll about it is a good idea. Anyway to merge the threads and keep the poll going? You shouldn't have put all those questions in the thread starter really if you didn't want debate. :) Beside if no one posts the thread will drop of the board very quickly (unless stickied).


Mod Merge!!!


EGAD! oops, my bad :evanpiel::D

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i hope they either leave it or make the game much faster; i think the speed of level 2 force speed could be the normal speed.. right now the game reminds me of UT's speed or is even slower.. and the maps are quite big and have lots of open areas that are boring to run at slow speed

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Well I don't necessarily like bunnyhopping (more corectly called strafe-jumping) but it won't be removed. Why? Anyone remember when Id Software changed the physics in quake3 that allowed for strafe-jumping so you couldn't do it anymore? It completely messed the physics of the game up.


Strafe-jumping as well as double-jumping and rocket-jumping weren't programmed into the game they are a side effect of the physics of the Quake engine (Quake, Q2, Q3:A and anything else that uses the quake engine).


Lol I even see people in Half-Life Counter-Strike strafe-jumping. CS fixed this by making weapon accuracy go WAY down when jumping, so I love seeing bunnyhoppers in CS.. just means they are going to die quicker cause they are almost unable to shoot back.

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I would like Raven to take it out of the game for a few reasons:


1. Aesthetics. This is a purely subjective reason. Bunny-hopping just looks ridiculous. I like to have some sort of "movie realism" to this type of game where one of the game features is immersing the player in a known universe.


2. Bunnyhopping somewhat negates the need for Force Speed.


3. It is indeed a bug. Here is the controversy, though. The bug existed in the Q2 and A3 engines for quite some time, and was a known fact. If Raven knew about this bug, but did nothing to remove it, perhaps they do not believe that it is serious enought to hinder gameplay.


Personally, I have never seen it used in this game - but I only play Duel MP games.

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It's not really a bug. If you go back to Quake 1, you can see there are some areas in the default maps that REQUIRE either rocket jumping or some sort of extra boost. You can bet your tail that ID noticed the rocket jump effect and also strafe jumping (after all, its a forwardspeed change when you press the two keys) and left them in to add a different richness to the gameplay.


In realistic games like Camper-Strike, yes, its pretty stupid, especially when you look at the models and notice that the weapons all are pointed at the sky or ground or wherever.


In a game like this, though, think of the jedi's being able to do the triple jump REALLY well, except more than just three times in a row =]


And how is it unfair, because anyone with an INKLING of skill can do it.

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You do realize they can't really get rid of it, don't you? If you do, then you cank certain special moves, such as the double jump heavy swing and the repeated backflips to escape.


They could slow down the strafe modifier, but that has been attempted before and never sucessfully worked. Too many people complained it threw off their game. This was in a mod. I believe.

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Vote !!!!!! NO for the love of GOD


Loose Strafe Jumping and you'll regret it people will start playing on unpatched servers.. wouldn't that suck all round if they changed it then most server stayed on the old version.. I know I would if it was changed


The fact is... it doesn't look cool........ wah wah wah ITS A GAME

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Originally posted by Jiro Kage

You do realize they can't really get rid of it, don't you? If you do, then you cank certain special moves, such as the double jump heavy swing and the repeated backflips to escape.


They could slow down the strafe modifier, but that has been attempted before and never sucessfully worked. Too many people complained it threw off their game. This was in a mod. I believe.


out of curiousity, how can you be certain that removing it will screw up other moves? and where has it been attempted before?

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There is a setting in a quakeforge server where you can prevent bunny hopping by placing a slight delay in when you can jump. What I mean it will mess up is that if you have to have a delay in your quick backflips it would suck, since they are great escapes from a throw or a heavy leap.


In addition, check RTCW. In the beta previewed at Quakecon 2001, you could bunny hop off a hill or strafe jump into some good speed for as long as you had stamina. Now, in the final release, if you try to do it the successive jump right after the first almost seems to jerk around strangely. You can't press any direction and have it do anything - it's just really weird.

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hmm... since the use of Force Jump seems to block bunny-hopping, perhaps Raven could add a microscopic amount of Force power (doesn't even show on Force meter) that gets used every time the jump key is hit. Also give everybody F-Jump level 0.1 which doesn't add anything to base jump height, and doesn't make the F-Jump noise.

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