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Puzzle hits (kinda like a walkthought) spoiler

Wraith 5

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OK i posted a thread asking if anyone wanted me to do this, i got 3 yes's and 3 total votes...



But i have found that everyone seems to be asking the same questions over and over and over, so i decided just to post this....


Maybe a mod or admin can sticky this at the top...



This will take a little time to complet so bare with me, i am going to try to put puzzles down that have been asked about a lot, if i miss one you think should be in here let me know.



Also you should know that this is not a complet walkthought.... I feel the a game is a lot more fun if you can figure out the puzzles on your own... But i also know that at times you need a little help, so i am not going to come right out and say what you need to do, but the stuff i write will be more like thoughs that if you think about it a little bit should let you know what to do...


Be warned that the following posts will hold information that will give away parts of the game if you don't want to know about them untill you reach them stop reading at this post.



So with out waiting any longer lets get started...

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Getting inside: if you can't get in read the manule!


Getting into the room with officer to open the doors:

from the elevator you took down and to the right could that be an open door? Back in the elevator didn't it look like there was a crawl space under it, wonder if there is a way down in the room to the right of the elevator, maybe something like a air vent? Looky that there is the space under the elavator... but what is that down the hall... looks like a power genorator, better not get near that... wonder what to do??? could it be like shooting wamp rats back home? Bet if that was to blow up it would cause a really big boom.


Getting into the blue section (also know as getting farther into the base...)

damn that sheild is in the way! wonder it the far door in the room to the right of the elevator i took to get into the base is open... That thing in the corner of this new room look like an elevator... but it is dark down here, maybe a little light enancment would help...


Setting the code:

Each section (blue, green, red) has a code, and look there are 3 codes that can be entered (blue, green, red). Looking up for help at the code terminal and what do i see? could that be a forcefield blocking something? and on the otherside of the room, that would be some kinda control room would it? Look stairs in the begining of the green section (from the code terminal) and look they go up

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See the frezzer now what-


Something in the frezzer moved right? Look i thinkg that is a door at the bottem... I pushed the button but i still can get out of here. Wish i could jump onto that catwalk... That arm in the frezzer that moved is pointing at the catwalk... Maybe i should look at that...



Got into the next room but can go anywhere again!!!-


Well the big room with the laser turet doesn't seem to go anywhere... look there is a room with a window looking over the water that hurts me (the room you first entered into).... Wonder what is in the room... Maybe I should take a look.

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The famous Red Room-


Look at that droid, it looks like it is begin damaged, I don't think I want to go in there...



Maybe I should check outside...



What is that noise when the sleds are in the room (hear from outside), it sounds like it is coming from under me somewhere...



Oh look there is a pipe that comes out whenever a sled goes in...



maybe i can get in that pipe somehow....



It big thing looks like it runs the Red Room, made i can blow it up...



Force field! Where could the Power for the Force Field be coming from...



Yes i got on the sled but where to go...



Oh look a whole in the wall right after the sled turned the first corner...

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Thouse at-st don't seem damaged at all by the weapons i have...



I think something bigger would help...



Like the gun i used on the door back on kejim.




Ion Cannons-

Them things gots shields!



I can't blowup the power feeds, maybe there is a switch somewhere...



crap look at all thouse at-st... good thing no one is driveing them.... Is that a locked door on the otherside of the room? maybe i will try a differnet door...



ok think i turned off the sheilds, yep look at thouse cannons burn, but now where is jan?





She's not back with the pisoners... She's not in the main cannon... Where could she be???



Wonder if that door is still locked in the at-st garage...



Know what a Jedi? Maybe he isn't fast enough to delect all my blaster shots...

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Pull- thouse things look like steps...



look at the wall, nice symbols...



one of the symbols on the floor is the same as the wall...



Why are there 2 arrows on the floor.



Speed-i stand on that stand like thing and the doors open up, but i can't get thought them all, i am just not fast enough ;)



Jump- Well i seem to have seen everything down here, maybe i can get up to a higher level somehow



Raft room- Wonder if thouse heads on the wall can be affected by the force. Lots of water better get out of it. Look the bars are raising, but i am not Fast enough to make it thought them.



Door to high- see the little boxes under the big squares? could that be a push symble on them? Now thouse big square things look like they have a Jump symbole on them... can seem to make it from one big square to another, maybe i can get a little higher first...



After door to high- Look at the crack in the wall, it look weak wonder if i can push on it...



moving brige- look to the left switch like in speed test... Look to the right, big space with door on one side... switch brings brige by the opening but it goes by with some speed, and the door looks i little higher then a normal jump...



lightsaber- I am just not Fast enough to get to the saber even with the Force, it would be so cool if i could pull it to me...



out- thouse rocks on the ropes look like they should be in the ground, in thouse holes under them... Maybe i could throw something at them...

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Building on the other side of the blowen up brige-

OK i am here but the door is locked and that garbge can is still a long ways away.... So i can't get into the door, maybe the roof... Roof to high even with the force... Maybe there is some place i can get that is hight then the platform.... it would be great if there were some stairs around...



Hover Car- that thing is sure moving around a lot now that i killed everyone in it... It seems to get closer to me when it moves...



Elitctric water- can't get across it, maybe there is a way to get into another room... No door maybe i can make a hole... Now i just need to find a way to stop the power...



Finaly in the cart, but i won't move far...

Look there is a button i can push

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Got into the main compator area?


There are 3 differnt paths to take, 2 side rooms and another. Can find the other path? look at the compators, any of them look different then the others?


Need a password? One of the siderooms has a few walls that will blow up...


found the 3rd path and moved a cart? Maybe you should try the second side room...



OK so now i am in the elavotor but there is now door... Maybe i can make a door.

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So where to go... Find thouse cannons that have lando pinned down? Try getting up to them.



Open roof should be easy... Look there is a vent on one side of the room, and there is another vent on the otherside, maybe i should go though there...



Time to refuel... Code system? Maybe i should check out each of the fuel intakes to lando's ship... So now i have to turn the fuel, wonder where that noise is comeing from over by the fuel tanks... Maybe i should check outside...

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Getting in- Did you get thrown off the city? Walk up to on of thouse vents and use your ears.



Found this bruner room and the button to open the door, but i am not fast enough to get to it before it closes.



OK so i am now in this room with the realy hot pipes, the ones i stand on and they kill me. Even moveing realy fast doesn't seem to help. Wonder if i can run across that forcefiled looking thing when it turns back on?



Found this room with a lot of tunnels like the one Luke fell thought after his duel with darth vader. But i can't climb it... I don't think i can jump but i think i will give it a try.



Wow so i got up but the next platform is a long ways up. What is that noise? Sounds like a gust of air. Maybe is i time a jump just right....

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