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SP saber in MP, possible?

Chang Wufei

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Hi, i dont know if this question has been asked before but i couldnt find it on the forums, but is it possible to type a console command in multiplayer to have the single player saber? i.e. all the moves and animations and the posibility to have your saber knocked on the floor and so it doesnt pass through walls.


Thanx in advance.



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Yeah, this discussion has been explored before in the past. I think that probably 90% of all JKII players sincerely hope that the MP saber battles will be fixed to mimic the SP battles in the near future. If that happens, I believe we will have a near perfect MP game on our hands gameplay-wise (with the exception of the much maligned Force problems).


So far as it being possible.. I don't see why not. Sure it will require more coding, sure it will require a bit more bandwidth, but in the end will it be worth the manpower?



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