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is there some sort of defense against the *** pullers?


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gay as an insult?


im not going to dignify your question with an answer


Edit: thank you! much better!


the answer to your question is this: in time skill you will have, be able to fight off enemies you will. your problems, you will be able to overcome


remember: Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate.. hate leads to suffering!!

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u can't just use your absorb all the time. You have to use it when he starts the grip...it breaks you out and when you feel like he is on the offensive with his saber then u shut it off and go after him. As for push..if you aim right at him as he is gripping then it will break the grip and that is all you need. Grip and drain are tough to counter but it can be done.

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Hiteche5 he isnt asking about grip, he is asking if there is a way to counter pull. Pull is hard to counter really without Absorb, its not like push where if he pushes and you are just standing there nothing happens. If the person is using a level3 pull you just have to be ready and strike when you get your bearings back, for some reason pull makes you not able to swing right away. Its awsome for drainers and lightning people to use it on them. Just turn the tides and pull him back.

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well the defence against the g4y pullers is to open your console and type the following:


/give 1337hax0r_pullshield

/model teh_m4tr!x

/mode ghey_pl4y

/helpusobi_isucksobad 1


Please stop with these threads about every damn little thing in the game. Some people just want to remove everything and make this game starwarsquake


- Red stance too strong

- grip lame and cheap

- pushing is cheap

- pulling is lame and too powerful

- etc.


Some people just complain about everything. Perhaps some guy ripped you apart, stole your weapons with pull and just made you angry. If you don't want to get pulled... pull your enemy first, push him, use absorb or drain.... just don't come crying here please. I like pull... it is my only real defence against some weapons if I can get close to them that is. I get pushed alot and fall to my death... mostly when some guy surprises me without absorb.... ahhh never mind... all these whining threads are getting old.


Move along please... nothing to see here.

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit

gay as an insult?


im not going to dignify your question with an answer


Edit: thank you! much better!


the answer to your question is this: in time skill you will have, be able to fight off enemies you will. your problems, you will be able to overcome


remember: Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate.. hate leads to suffering!!



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Ugh, I hate people who insult those who use terms like 'gay' more than those that use the foresaid terms.


We know you are outnumbered rebels facing off against society, gay-defenders, but please don't be so incredibly rightous about it. It's practically annoyingly unbearable.


Brought to you by Strong Opinions Inc.

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First of all there is nothing wrong with the pull, push on the other hand can be annoying but I deal with it. Pull is probably the best force power, it is especially good to use to counter the sad use of guns. The only advice I can offer is to stop using guns and learn how to play like a true jedi, for this isnt quake or cs or ut or most other fps, its a more unique and fun experience with the star wars name and feel. Now if your problem is because people steal your pathetic guns out of your hands, the way most other pathetic gun users counter it is by using absorb which stops the gun from being pulled.... sadly. Now if its cause people are pulling you off the edges just be carefull keep your eyes open and have absorb ready and the only way they will pull you off the edge is if you jump in mid air over a pit in which case pull will stop you for a sec and most likely cause you to miss your target (saying you have absorb on, otherwise youll get pulled far). and lastly if your problem is because your in a light saber battle and someone pulls you towards them, dont forget you also have the force, learn how to use it. :deathii:


Oh yeah btw the usage of the term gay should only be refering to those whose sexual preference is exactly that, not as an insult, for the usage of the term in such a sense really only reeks of one thing .... immaturity...

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you do know that most homophobes are actually homosexual themselves, and are just afraid?


and people who use terms such as "gay" in that sense, are homophobes.


and your just a wuss, lol, I find it funny as hell when someone is either not paying attention enough to get pulled off a ledge, or jumping so much that they are easy to throw into a pit,


my simple answer being that there is a defense. it's called having skills of your own.

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