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the lift wont come down.


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I'm at some detention area on the Doomgiver.


There's this big round room (alot of those around apparantely :deathstar: :p) with a bunch of triggerhappy cannons in the ceiling. There's three bay-door-ish doors :) with some big robots ( :atat: ) and a long corridor behind each one. In the end of the corridors is a lift. Only the lift is already elevated and I don't see any buttons or levers, and the bloody thing just won't come down! :)


So I'm kinda stuck... Advice is what I need. :D

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Well first off you gotta clear out the imps, gun cannons on the celing. (sniper rifle will take care of those) then you gotta get to the top and push a button somewhere up there. dont remember exactly. then you go back down and take out the walker tankers or whatever they are called. i call em baby at-sts heh. if you stand near the lift for a few moments it should come down.

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