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Hi, I am new. I also have a problem/rant

Triger Hapie

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Hi. Anyway, I'm new here. I haven't had time to browse everything to see if I can find a fix or explaination for my problem.

While I haven't experience any bugs at all while playing the game (except maybe a graphic oddity every now and then), I am experiencing ludicrous saved-game load times. Levels load fine when I first start out, the longest it ever took was 1 minute, not even. However, the save games are rediculous. I'm talking 4+ minutes. On one level it was taking 7, yes SEVEN minutes to load a saved game! Why does a saved game take 7 minutes to load, but the level like only 30 seconds? Sloppy coding? I read on the official FAQ that that reload times are supposed to be fast and load times slow. I would actually be able to tolerate long level load times, but not save times. It gets annoying dying 5 times in a row and wasting like 20 minutes just through reloading.


True, I am on a pretty poor system: :(

Windows 2000pro, 900mhz P3, 128mb RAM, some 8mb Savage card (this is a school laptop). However, I do have ALL graphics settings on LOW. I can understand my video car is poor, but my framerate is mostly above 40fps. The lowest it goes is like 15, and the highest is 80+.


Is there a patch. Is there something I'm missing? Please help me.


Thank You.

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I read something about this problem posted on this board by a developer. It's to do with memory and video card memory and data caching.


I think you may be able to improve things a little by adjusting the actual configuration of your video card driver. But more memory or a better video card would make a huge difference.


As I say there was a detailed post I think maybe in announcments.


Hope it's of some help.

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