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Am I Blind??


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Hi all


Im afriad im stuck... Im on the level where you fall down a vent and have to stop the prisiners from being killed. It took me a while to work out how to kill the AT-ATs, which i eventually did. After that i destroyed the Ion Cannons. Once they were gone, the chick you are with said something about meeting me in a small crator to pick me up. This is where im stuck, i can't find her... maybe shes in the smallest ship ever built or maybe im just blind as a bat. Can some tell me where the ship is? Ive spent 30 mins trying to find her :)


Am I just blind????


Cheers in advance.

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Go back into the main hanger, with the 7 AT-STs, on the upper walkway all the way around to the other side was a locked door, it should now be unlocked and 3 troopers should be blasting away at you.


If it is still locked, you found the "bug" that Raven was talking about.


Does the republic transport pilot say.. "I don't think we can handle that AT-ST." if you hear that after you destroy the last Ion Cannon then you have to reload the level and do it again :( You also know if have the "bug" if the Reblic Transport does not land where the prisioners are.


If the transport landed and you blasted the 3rd AT-ST that came out of the end hanger, near the way up to the Ion Cannons, then just go back into the main AT-ST hanger and fight the 3 troopers and go through the now unlocked door.. it leads to the "canyon" that Jan is talking about :p


Hope the helps


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By using shift+~ and the typing devmapall [enter]

followed by following strings





kill, (=suicide)

give all,

give health,

give armor,

give ammo


you can cheat like want.

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