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JK2:The game that didn't exceed our expectations


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OUR expectations? Speak for yourself, I liked it a lot, specially considering how crap all the other Star Wars games have been in the last couple of years.

MP certainly has a couple of balance issues and some of the earlier SP missions are a little tedious but no game is perfect

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Originally posted by Saient

Long Rant.. needs to be done, IMO



JediKnight2 is a game that all of us had high hopes for back in the day went we all were eagerly awaiting its release. There was a good feeling around the forums when everyone was speculating about how the game would be, the comments on the trailers and all that good stuff.



What part of "sequel" did they fail to understand? Its exactly what I expected, a continuation fo the FIRST Jedi Knight story on a new graphics engine, with some of raven's proven features. Multiplayer could have been done better, or should I say different, but I don't recall this being called Jedi Knight 2:Team arena, so.......


Saber battles look cool, netcode is not for me, but then on a bad 56k modem ISP, I stick to RTS games on-line anyway, that way you at least have the server acting for you until your machine is updated, so that's not thier fault.


Now that the game has been released reading through most threads they're are filled with a sense of high ungratitude and complaining because JK2 didn't exceed some of your ecpectations


Yes, well remember critics said lucas's movies sucked too, the amount of money in his back pocket at any given times was all the STFU he needed, and i suppose raven will settle for the same.


For some Its Bunny hopping/Strafe Jumping because it just doesn't look COOL enough


Right like anything called a bunny hop could be cool no matter what it looked like. ;)


, backwards running being too fast, the people that use guns, the people that use grip,drain, heal and darkrage, Saber Mechanics, Duels anything and everything you can think of upsets a rather large percentage of you.


Correction: A rather large VOCAL percentage of players maybe, but several are playing the game, enjoying it and have too much time with thier DSL/Cable [dirty rotten snots] connections to even grace this board. :D


words like CHEAP and the fact that some Powers/guns/moves require NOSKILL. Does this game really effect your personal egos that much??


I know that by this post I've just added to the mess by complaining about complaints, but I hope somepeople would just take a look back and accept the game for what it IS rather than what it ISN'T


Probably, but you're right at least, except its not raven's call, its lucas arts' call on patches, what is to be changed, etc... raven is contracted to do it, unless a special contract has been set up between these two anyway. Welcome to the world of gaming. Though there have been cases where a developer will release a patch without being required, such as Ritual's patches for Sin after the producer stoppped supporting the product.

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I like the game but there are a few things I'd like to see changed.


When reading the not so final patch contents I was happy. This will adress everything needed IMO. The new mode of picking either Jeid or Gun User ís cool, the balancing of drain and the other stuff is right on. After the patch there is a big chance the game will be perfect. I have enjoyed the game so far, but didn't expect it to be perfect until after at least one patch... that is the state of the gaming industry and when patches are free it is ok with me... at least the developers can take the fans ideas into consideration when patching and that is what makes PC gaming great IMO.


I would give Jedi Outcast a 9/10 score, but if the patch does what the not so final notes says... I am pretty sure this score would be 10/10... In other words JO would be the best Star Wars game and Jedi FPS EVER!


Giving suggestions to making the game perfect does not mean you hate the game. But I agree that some people should think about the way they write, so they don't just come off as flaming trolls.

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While I do not exactly love JO's guns, I can get used to them. Personally, I miss UT's guns because of the balance they gave. It takes skill to do combo shots, and I wished that JO would have some combo shots. It at least would stop all of the whiner gayberists that say that gunning takes no skill, even though regular competitive gunning takes skill just as much. Anyway, I don't really like the rocket launcher in JO as its ammo is nearly devoid in the levels. Overall though, the other guns (those useful ones being the flachette, rocket launcher, and repeater) are quite useless. The only other gun besides those three that I would use is the disruptor, but only in a clutch situation.

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One last post before i run off to class.


I played JK. Blew me away, what i was expecting with JK2 was just that....JK2. It had the SAME puzzles, the SAME great level design. What it added was fantastic sabre mechanics, outstanding collision detection, and a slew of MP game types.


This game met, and exceeded my expectations. You gotta understand that with JK it was soooo baltently easy to cheat it was disturbing. You could log on the zone(ONLY way of getting an Internet MP game going) and then some assclown would join and use the railgun that shot rails like a repeater and had unlimited ammo.


The only cheat i've seen for this is the arms model, which i just kick the guy off my server for using because its a cheap BS model people like to use because they think they are being funny.


You can go in the game and there, right in the game, is ingame server browser, you don't have to deal with the 12 year old spasmonkeys that populate the zone to get a game. That is awsome. This game seriously rocks.

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As with everything else in the world, there's a bottom line here. Forget about all the crap about unbalanced powers, imperfect models and graphics, choppy cutscenes, etc, blah blah blah.


The bottom line:


Do you have fun playing the game?


I think it's tremendously fun. It makes me feel like a Jedi. It puts me in the SW universe.


If you can't see through the little imperfections and have fun with this game, then I doubt that you have fun at anything. At least computer games, because they all have flaws.


This game is entertainment.


Be entertained.

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