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What The Hell Is Saber Realistic Combat? *no Spoilers*

the eXtremist

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A few people have been asking us about how to enable the full saber realistic combat mode... where you can do some head and limb slicing (look at this week's screen of the week for an example). For the new readers who may have missed the command for that option, here is what you need to do to enable that option:
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realistic saber combat allows you to cut off more than 1 part of a characters body, for example u can cut off both the stormtroopers legs and their heads etc....also it makes it so that you dont even need to swing to kill the guy and most people die in 1 hit with a light saber.....making it real because who could survive more than 1 hit from a lightsaber to the chest...etc.....

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Kinda cheap when playing SP.... I beat the game, then went back with realisticsaberon... chopped the reborn's to bits with light style. It's harder, because the same thing happens to you, but just use light and defend a lot.

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I just messed around with this, and loaded up Enyak's Mutilator with the combination of saber realistic combat. It's insane. Enyak's Mutilator edits a .cfg file with the characters and makes it so you can dismember the heads, legs, torso's and arms of your foes. If you just have the mutilator installed it's normal fighting with a chance of cutting the enemies in half etc if you hit them just right. If you put on saber realistic combat with the mutilator, parts will fly everywhere. Just on level one you swing at an enemy and boom their arm and torso comes off. You can set it to three and basically with one or two swings utterly destroy an enemy into many bits and pieces. For those that want the Mutilator, I found it over at http://www.jedi-outcast.com in their files section. A nice addition...

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Has anyone exactly found out what the differences between


g_realisticsabercombat 1

g_realisticsabercombat 2

g_realisticsabercombat 3




I mean if 1 just means that what ever you hit will be chopped off, then what does 2 and 3 do?



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Let me tell you, having it on and facing Shadowtroopers who are resistant can get to be a pain. For some laughs though, I suggest walking around into enemies with your lightsaber on and having g_dismemberment set to 5, as well as g_saberRealisticCombat set to something higher than 0. Kind of reminds me of this clip that many of you may have seen already: http://www.punchbaby.com/media/laters/clips/sick/html/gift.htm

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