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Get more RAM?

Triger Hapie

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Like many of you, I have load time problems. I payed 50 bucks for the game, does that mean I have to buy more RAM now? :rolleyes: /serves sarcastic sandwiches


What about the guys with loads of RAM (512+). Where is the tech support? EXACTLY what computers is Raven running? How come their load times are fast, and everyone elses "should" be just fine. Should I go out and buy every major MoBo, CPU, Vid Card, RAM, HD, DVD/CD-Drive and build a computer with all the different parts until I find one where the game isn't a POS? :mad:


D'oh! I think Lucas Arts should have made this game. :(


Sorry if this pisses anyone off.

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Actually it depends on which OS you are using. If you're using Windows XP I'd suggest no less than 256 due to the huge amounts of RAM it consumes. 512 has become a common amount of ram to have and it wouldn't hurt to upgrade now because sooner or later you're going to have to anyways.

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I would go with 512MB if running either Windows 2000 or Windows XP. For Windows 98 or Windows ME, I would recommend 256MB because those OSs do not know how to handle RAM greater than 256MB. Well...actually it is less like 64MB, but Service Packs and patches from Microsoft allow it to run alright with 256MB.

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Originally posted by jasho

I would go with 512MB if running either Windows 2000 or Windows XP. For Windows 98 or Windows ME, I would recommend 256MB because those OSs do not know how to handle RAM greater than 256MB. Well...actually it is less like 64MB, but Service Packs and patches from Microsoft allow it to run alright with 256MB.


I have windows 98 SE, and I use a program called FreeMem Std. With it, you can set how much RAM you want to free up, up to 1024MB. It's real nice.

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