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To many prisoners killed


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I'm playing on the hardest dificulty level (Jedi master i think) and I can't get past where you fight the AT-STs and stormtroopers after you release the prisoners cuase to many of them die. It seems you only have 20-30 seconds to kill 2 AT-STs and an ungoldy amount of stormtroopers. Plus the prisoners seem to be retarded and don't understand dodging/getting behind cover =[ . Is there a better way to do this besides being really fast?


BTW this is my second time through the game. First time was on normal difficulty.

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What I did was, as soon as I fell out of the tube, I ran into the nearest "outpost" and engaged the elevator. After taking that up, all the while avoiding the AT-ST, I immediately ran to the left where one of those big guns are. I took aim at the AT-ST and then moved it around to the Stormtroopers. That seemed to work for me. Sorry if that's info you already have.

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I had this wxact problem as alot of people do. This is my second time thro on hardest difficulty too, and I tryed it about 30 times, in the end I think I was lucky, I just stayed at the bottom and took out the AT ST then when I wen t up top all the storm troopers were already dead, the prisoners had alrady killed them I immediatly saved it and waited for the second AT ST (it will not appear till your up there) and then after another 10-15 times I managed to kill it without to many prosoners dieing,

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