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My TC mod idea: Rebels vs Empire Team Play!


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well i posted this back in editing, but no one answers there so....




Well, i just had this idea, i dont know if anyone has suggested it yet, but anyways, here goes.


Someone... well a team actually could make a really cool Rebel vs. The Empire mod. Think of the opening scene in A New Hope, where the Star Destroyer boards the Corvette. That would really be cool. You choose your side, the rebels, or the stormtroopers. And the gameplay should be, in my opinion, like Day of Defeat for Half-Life: sort of objective/CTF style of play, in big maps.


As for the weapons and classes; the Empire could have the regular grunt (stormtrooper), the stormtrooper captain, and the different ranks of officers. Their weapons would be the regular E-11 blaster, and for the captain, that long rifle (that they use on Tattooine when they go looking for C-3P0 and R2-D2), and that blaster pistol they use in JKII.


The rebel classes could be similar, but i dont really know about them since we dont see them often in the movies. All i know is they use some sort of blaster pistol similar to the ones the officers use in JKII.


I think this mod should avoid the weapons like the heavy repeater, the rocket launcher, the dart launcher, and all those other weapons that make the game look like Quake III with Star Wars skins.


The battles could rage in star ships or cool outdoor areas. And i think the objectives could be stuff like... destroy the enemy generator or something, i dunno. Or hell, CTF would be nice too...


Well, i'd like to know what you guys think, and if any experienced modders out there are interested, id like to be part of this mod.

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Can you switch the team colors? I always thought of the Rebels (actually the New Republic) as being "red" (since their symbol is red) and the Imperials blue (in the game as it is, they are reversed).


I realize the logos in the maps would need to be switched as well, but it would just look a little bit cooler.

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Yeah and make sure the mode incorporates an AWP sniper rifle too!.


Actually...I'm kidding.


To be honest with you, as a seasoned gamer, I'm pretty much apathetic about the mod possibilities for JK2.


My reasoning is thus, because plagarism is pretty much the soul of net development...all we're gonna get is a couple of Counter-Strike/Team Fortress clones and that'll be it.


And why? Well because its sure alot easier to take counter strike, slap a star wars based map into it, rename the terrorists Rebels and the CT's Imperials and voi-frickin-la....Rebel Strike.


Or what ever.


Take the entities already availible, do some HUD work, and a minor amount of coding augmentation and you've got...hooray, a 9 class team play mode called....Jedi Fortress.


If anything truly original occurs in the mod scene for JK2, I will be wholly and totally suprised.

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If anything truly original occurs in the mod scene for JK2, I will be wholly and totally suprised.


Wow Joruus. Apathy is a pretty strong term. I think the chances for original mods for this game are pretty good, since you are dealing with a much bigger, more established universe to begin with. It sounds like a contradiction, but it's like a house is only as good as its foundation type of thinking. There's alot of mods you could base on the force alone that would be unlike anything that has been done before.

Heck even some of the mods done in the past for other games (like Jailbreak for example) would seem much more appropriate to a SW setting, where you have a Galactic Empire imprisoning people, rather than a UT setting where someone just converted a CTF map to put bars in one room and there's no real explanation of whose capturing you or why in the first place. Thats one of the reasons I never really found myself hooked into UT or Q3...there just wasn't that much of a story or even just plain background. Now HL on the other hand....wow.


Massively game changing mods like CS was to HL are incredibly rare. Don't discount the ability to take something thats been unsuccessfully attempted in the past and made to work nicely ((like co-operative single player)) as something to be "apathetic" about.



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I think when you pick a model they shouldn't have to be the color of the team....because that big icon on the head is enough to tell what team they are on....and it makes the game look more like laser tag everyone being one color.......oh yes and please make it where its blaster weapons only. cause those other guns are poo poo crap. makes the battles look unmovie like[iMO] but that doesnt stop me from loving this badass game. !

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I have worked on the Jailbreak mod in the past (Quake II and Half-Life) so I am hoping that the team will try out JK2.


There have been Jailbreak plans for RCTW, but since the source code has still not been released (game came out about what... 5+ months ago), it may just been dropped. Hopefully, I might be able to talk them into JKJB instead.


I'd push for Imperial vs Rebel as opposed to Red vs Blue (which has been a JB tradition). Still, I can't map any more for them. Mapping just sucks the hours out of your life like opening those hanger door did to those stormtroopers. :D



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