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I realized this awhile back but no one has made a post (at least none that ive seen).


How can you use the stunner in multiplay, Im pretty sure there is some way to use it, cause ive seen a certain bot running around with it *cough* Lando Calrissian *cough*. So I wonder if its use does exist in normal multiplayer?



Also I figure if raven does go thru with the guns only/no force saber only/force option (which I hope they do:fett:) I think this would be a good replacement for the saber for those "Gun Whores" out there.

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I use every weapon available to me, period, whatever helps me win the game! ; )


Yes, there is a simple way to use the stun baton in multiplayer, simply uncheck all the power levels normally assigned to your saber (saber throw, saber defense, saber offense). Since you need at least one level to have a saber, none gives you the stun baton again!

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