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Could someone elighten me about autoexec.cfg?

Scarlet Widow

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i'm wondering about how this needs to be set up. If i understand correctly, you can create an autoexec.cfg file with commands you wish to execute on start up, right?


So i have just a couple questions...In which directory should the autoexec.cfg be? Also, would i be doing it correctly if i added this line to it:


g_saberRealisticCombat 1


? Or does it need to be written in another fashion?

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Ok. I have the following file in my "base" directory. It is called cyclone.cfg


------Begin of cyclone.cfg--------

helpusobi 1

give all

give health 100

give armor 100

setforceall 5

g_saberrealisticcombat 1

g_dismemberment 5

------ End of cyclone.cfg-----------


Now, when i am playing a SP game, I just pull down the console Shift ~, and type "exec cyclone.cfg" and it will execute my cyclone.cfg file.


Now, I do that voluntarily each time. But if i want the game to run it automatically, then I would just have to rename it to autoexec.cfg and they game will look for it, and if it finds it, it runs it. Hopefully the above example will give you an idea of the syntax used. BTW: don't use the lines with that start with ----- they are just for show.


The cool thing about .cfg files, are that you can use the Quake3, eh, JKII console language and create all kinds of cool things. You can even create a script, that will use Drain for like 3 seconds, and then imediatly swith to Grip. (ugh, how bad will life be when that hits the net). You can create a separate .cfg for light side MP key bindings, and then another for Dark Side.. The when you feel like switching, just run the .cfg while in game, and all your keys wil be rebound. cool heh. To learn more, look up Quake 3 console commands on various websites. They will do into greater detail than you will find for JKII sites at this time. Then go back to the JKII console sites for the JK specific commands.



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in my experience its best to keep things organized when making cfgs... for example... i only use the autoexec.cfg to execute other config files


so the only types of commands you will see in my autoexec.cfg file are:




exec executions_of_other.cfg


this also helps when using multiple scripts, ie

i can keep my 'JukeBox' seperate from my 'zoom config' and seperate from my 'saber colour switcher config'

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With Q3 engine games I make my autoexec hold the game settings. I have seperate cfgs for binds and vstr's, one for single/multiplayer. I used to have 1 cfg for everything in Q2 games, but with the amount of commands in Q3 games, it's impossible to have everything in 1 without breaking the 8 kb limit.


I need to augment my current cfgs with various force power configurations, though... hmm...

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