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lightsaber moves


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Check the special moves thread, along with the manual, but here's the basic list:


Your slashes depend on which directional buttons you hold as you attack:

Forward or backward: Downward slash

Left or right: Right or light sweep respectively

forward + left or right: diagonally downward slash to the right or left

backward + left or right: diagonally upward slash to the right or left


The actual special moves are:

Light stance: Hold crouch, then hit forward + attack at the same time

(short dashing uppercut-slice)

Medium stance: forward + jump + attack

(flying slash and attack from midair) Not much of a move at all really...

Heavy stance: attack + (forward + jump midway through animation)

(instantly fatal leap attack. Leaves you vulnerable afterwards)


You can combo up a whole bunch of these. All the light stance attacks string together, and most of the medium ones do as well. The only heavy combo is to do a jumping slash that turns into a double hop leap attack.


Other specials are the kick: run at an opponent and tap jump right on top of them

and the wall run: Hold forward + right or left as you come to a wall and hit jump to run along the wall.


- [PMV] Joker

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