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SP Bots


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How many of you use bots in single player? I think they're as good as the normal levels. One question... notice the guy that spawns when you use the command "npc spawn jedi2" or was it jediF... One is a Jedi Jan, and the other is somebody who I don't recognize... the guy with the orange saber.... who is it? I don't remember seeing him in SP. He's quite awesome though.


Question: Can you spawn a SP bot from a downloaded skin? For example, I've downloaded the maul skin... is there a way to load him into SP?


For those of you who know how to input your own music... try this for a good few minutes of entertainment :) ... download (if you don't already have it) attack on the sail barge, off the Return of the Jedi soundtrack, plop it into a pk3. turn off AI (notarget)... place a whole bunch of reborn jedis in a level (I used the pit). Do this all while the song is playing... now, remember in the movie, the music starts suddenly when Luke grabs the saber and it goes into the action jingle? Well. I spawned a few Jedi pals right before that part in the theme, then, when the jingle starts, its an all out jedi battle, in tune to the music piece from the sail barge scene. I just think its really authentic.

Also, if you have access to Duel of the Fates, give that a whirl during a duel. (I have this tune, Qui-Gon's noble end. I load up one other jedi... its me + him Vs. Desann, or Tavion. I let my jedi buddie naturally get slaughtered. Then I play the jingle for Ep 1 where Qui-Gon bites the dust. It just seems cool.)


I'm done rambling.



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