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I'm new to the JK/DF games - where can I read a good summary of the storyline?


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Hey, does anyone know of any fan websites that give a summary of the Dark Forces storyline? I'm about halfway through JKII, and I would just like to know the backstory to all of this. I get the basic idea from JKII, but I'm sure there are details I'm missing.


I should have boughten the JKII collectors edition, which came with Dark Forces and Jedi Knight...


oh well, there's gotta be a site somewhere.. right?

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LOL! I'm just messing with ya mind. :)


I found this DF storyline on LucasArts' site.

Behind a veil of secrecy the evil Empire is creating a doomsday army--one that, if finished, will become the final cog in the Empire's arsenal of terror and domination. Your Mission?


Join the Rebel Alliance's covert operations division, infiltrate the Empire, then battle every man and machine the Imperial Forces can muster. Search a vast galaxy for clues, attack enemy bases - all in a desperate attempt to stop the activation of this fearsome new weapon.


And this for Jedi Knight.

In Dark Forces, Kyle Katarn, a young mercenary successfully infiltrated the Empire. Jedi Knight continues the story of Katarn as he embarks on a quest into his past and learns the mysterious ways of the Jedi. With this knowledge, he must stop seven Dark Jedi from unlocking the powers of a hidden Jedi burial ground. This task forces Katarn to decide his destiny. If he chooses the Dark side, he will come into enormous power. If he chooses the Light side, he faces seemingly insurmountable evil. Whatever path Katarn chooses will change the face of the galaxy forever.
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