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punks with sabers


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Originally posted by fatBastard()

In my oppinion it would be nice if we could all agree on designated dueling areas on each map, like the round platform on the "Bespin Streets" map (I know it is where the rocket launcher is spawned in full weapons matches but since we are talking about saber only matches it shouldn't be a problem). That way the duelists could gather there and the swingers have the rest of the map to themselves.


yeah , like in ffa bespin where that platform that looks like a helipad, also on the same map you can jump onto atall building and have a long fighting arena that people can't just get in front of your duel on accident ...

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As for the designated area - once that becomes well known, expect to be ambushed whilst waiting to duel many, MANY times.


For me this is part of the fun of duelling on a FFA server.


I was playing on server tonight where a bunch of good saber users were duelling on the landing pad of Bespin Streets (this has become a popular designated duelling zone now). There would be 6 or so people standing around with sabers sheathed, sharing strategies and taking turns to duel.


When this happens the duellers bond as like minded individuals, gain respect for each other and become comrades when threatened. Like usual people will try to get their "easy" kills, only to be swiftly dealth with by 5 competent Jedis. It was great when some guy would run up with a rocket launcher, only to have 6 duellers instantly push him to his doom, or get gripped by one dueller while 4 others throw their sabers at him - they soon give up and go back to their random swinging, firing elsewhere on the map (I almost feel sorry for the fool who dared Lightning our Jedi tower). We held the landing pad for hours and enjoyed many great duels while no one could really touch us. More duellers would come on reguarly and I met a ton of cool people. Times like that are the BEST, too much fun.


Another thing I enjoy is when there are only a couple of duellers on a FFA server and you constantly meet. You find a like minded dueller and the two of you just forget the rest of the server and spend the entire game duelling together. When you get to have that many duels with a person you really get to learn how each other play and things get very interesting as you both adapt to counter each other's style, not to mention the vast amount of respect you often gain for each other. And despite the fact that you've been battling each other all match, you kNOW that you've found a new ally who will watch your back.


Experiences like these are what cause me to duel on FFA servers (though I do play on Duel servers too).

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So true, Elenkis. Where I play the regulars are the same way there. If we see someone attacking another waiting for a duel, most of us bumrush him and the guy quickly gets overwhelmed. Its an interesting sort of bond in a deathmatch setting.

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I'm with dueling on FFA servers. Duelers will find each other. If we come across each other's path and it is just us we always sheathe sabres and initiate a duel. If we come across each other and the pack is fighting we just join the pack and FFA like the rest of em.


Last night I was about to engage a duel and someone apparently showed up with the intent to attack me from behind, my adversary Gripped that fool and dropped him over the ledge and then we initiated the duel. I remember thinking how respectable and cool that was. He and I had been dueling all night so a sort of bond had formed between us, in fact between this whole core group of duelers in the session that I played last night.


We did the Bespin Pad duels too. People would come there and start attacking the non moving, sabre sheathed, duel watchers. (cmon if that many people are standing around with no weapon up and not attacking each other maybe something is going on hehe) If someone started getting ansy and attack one of us.. there were two guys with Grip who would just sweep them off the pad. Most people got the hint. Plus the people who didn't want to duel just fought under the bridges. I went back and forth between the two. It was good fun.


I agree with Jiro Kage and Elenkis and have experienced it myself. Honor does exist even if some can't believe it so in an online environment.

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