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Uhhhhhh SP Missions


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Hey guys I just won won the SP missions today!I hope I'm not the last one to do it lol!Anyways , I was expecting through out the whole game that I would have to choose the light/dark side and.......


When my assy sis reached Dassan I was watching her and I was like wtf!Where are the rest of the forces ? Even no seeing. Anyone know what's up with that? Is it because I played in the padawan level? I was dissapointed :(




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someone hasn't been watching the pre-release news....


they aren't doing the "Role-Play" thing that was done in JK1.

why? for puzzles! thats right! those oh so annoying puzzles!

in JK1 they (LEC) felt it lacked alot because they were unable to put puzzles in certain missions because of the way the player chose their force powers, and alliegiance. so now u gain them gradually through the missions.

there is no light or dark side in this game (only in the sense of you vs the enemy is that in game, and MP)

so, overall, yer shot out of luck if thats what you wanted.

they killed the RP aspect for puzzles...


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