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Finding Dessan


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Ok, after i have beaten the last 2 shadow troopers or reborn, i jump down a hole chasing dessan. well i come out to a cavern with a ramp going down into the cave and 2 small pools of water on either side of me. i have looked everywhere and feel i am missing something simple. I saw parts of the ceiling fall onto me as i walked in the last part of the cavern. What do i do? can someone give me a hint?

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lol. guess you posted that too late. hehe took me almost 2 hrs to find that hidden passageway! i was quite literally hitting my head on the walls when i went back to that level in an attempt to solve it. hehe well i kept thinking i have looked everywhere.. havent i? so i went back to the dead ends and stood there for awhile. well imagine my surprise when i walked through one of the walls! :confused:

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