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JKII vs Wolf


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Ok, so JKII kicks the crap out of RTCW for single player (Wolf was weak), but Wolfenstein MP is far superior to JKII. I would love to play the beach as Katarn, could we import the maps? I really think the CTY is a good start but nothing like Wolf MP Beach. Thoughts? Both are great, but imagine them as one!!!!!!!!

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OK, so a galaxy far far away doesnt quite fit in with RTCW beach, but the teamplay required would be so much better. Need something with real team interaction versus the standard fight and run crap that has been around for so many years. A "good" MP map would help. unfortunately I'm not the guy to make such a thing

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Yea, I get your point. Something like Dark Jedi vs. Light Jedi, or Rebellion vs. Empire, with one side defending and the other attacking with specific roles and targets. Currently, with the force powers, the system is too loose. There's no real "class", even though you can tell Raven tried with the preset force configurations.

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Now we're talking. Some sort of multiplayer objecitve teamvsteam stuff. FFA is fun, but its been beat like a (fill in the blank here). Team objective, us vs you crap is what we need. Dark vs Light, good vs evil, regular vs creamy, now that kind of stuff I can really dig my teeth into.

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I dont want to repeat old hash, but a good conversation has already been started a few threads down abou this topic. People say that saber fight is so cool that it shouldnt be messed with, and that it would just be a mirror of RTCW or half life. I say fine - limit sabers effect, and use a similar path as those others becuase they really rocked, and gameplay is really all that matters. If you want something that is groundbreaking than this is not the place for you. Check out Legend of Zelda the original, becuase that made me shake, wolf 3d, so did doom II, and quake I (duke nukem also), the rest have been copies of one sort or another.



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