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Have you seen this saber move?


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Can someone tell me how exactly to do the saber sweep? I pull this off all the time on accident in multiplayer (have killed with it also) yet i can't seem to find and exaclt formula for doing it! It usually happens when my opponet has got behind me and im trying to spin around to face him. What will happen is my jedi will do a low spinning saber sweep as i turn around.


I know this has to be one the many special move's cause:

A) its strong and usually kills when it hits

B) has a lag time afterwards leaving me vulnerable


i don't see this on the list of move's at this site so i was curious.


Any feedback i can get is helpfull!

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its SUPPOSED to wor when you attack and theres a guy behind you, however it rarely works as it should... and often works when you dont want it to (there a guy runnign behing you and a guy in front, you attack the guy in front but instead swing around to slash at the guy behind who has already run off, then get throurally take nappart by the guy ahead of you.

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I absolutely LOVE the backwards stab. I use it all the time. I'll get a hit on my enemy, knock him down with a force push, then move in and backwards stab him for the kill. You can move your saber around while doing the backwards stab too...

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