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Cairn Reactor Question


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I am stuck on the Cairn Reactor level. I have made it past the spot where you shoot the crystals and make them blow up, but shortly after that spot I get stuck. I am at a spot where you see the dead worker and some ammo. when you turn the corner, there is a beam facing you. I can see another corner, but when I get to it, another beam activates and always kills me. I have tried using bactas, force speed, and force heal but nothing works and I always die. Do I just need to time this better or is there another way to get around these beams? Thanks.



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Don't try to go that way. Back track a little bit and you will get to a hallway where you see a gray barrier with a hole in the middle where the laser goes through. On the other side you should see an intersection with a device in the middle that has multiple laser beams coming out of it. Jump up onto the corner of the barrier and crouch to get through. Then use Force Speed to rush up to the device and hit a power switch, shutting off all of the beams.

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