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Is there a way to make the Saber one's starting weapon?


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Is there a way to make the Saber one's starting weapon?

When you start or respawn, the game automatically switches your weapon to the pathetic blaster.


My question...


Is there a way to make the Lightsaber the starting weapon?


V-tecc The Dark


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Ok, maybe not pathetic...

It has its uses, all things do.

That's one of the traits of a good knight, being able to use most things to ones advantage.

But not a weapon that I choose over the saber in most situations. There for I would like to start with lightsaber instead.




:p V-tecc The Dark :p

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Originally posted by tomservo51

Why dont you create a script that plays the game for you while your at it!

Send a copy to me when you make it - I could use both hands free to have a w*nk and drink a beer at the same time :D

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Ohh come on..


Are you guys for real?

Just because I prefer to start with a different weapon then is set as default I have to hear your crap?

Its not hard pressing one key every time I start the game.. but it is pointless.


"push the damn (1) key" <-This explains how lame you are, Don't you even have a next weapon button assigned?

Or maybe that borders to having a script play the game for you when you configure your controls like that?


And here's a question to you:


Q: Does my topic say?: "Please come and comment my question, with irrelevant cowpoop"

A: No


I conclusion: If you cant answer the question, dont post your idiot comments instead.


Thank You



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Originally posted by V-tecc

And here's a question to you:


Q: Does my topic say?: "Assholes come and comment my question, with irrelevant bullsh*t"

A: No

Fair enough m8..... but I couldn't resist... I like a bit of friendly banter :)

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Originally posted by V-tecc

And here's a question to you:


Q: Does my topic say?: "Please come and comment my question, with irrelevant stuff"

A: No


I conclusion: If you cant answer the question, dont post your idiot comments instead.


Thank You




I don't think that there is any straighter and to the point remark than that.


ROFL touche !


Go visit this thread:


Personal Config Setups


Look for Validarious' post, it is near the end on page 1. The last line says


seta cg_drawGun "1"


I am not very knowledgable with the whole console thing yet so I am unsure as to what this means, but it seems a step closer IMO to what you a looking for. (BTW this is a great thread for seeing how to bind your actions to keys. )


Good Luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! :)


Didn't think I'd get all these compliments but its nice that all of you guys agree with me.


~(\/)iasma->: Thank you for your feedback, nice of you to really put the effort into helping me, although I think that seta cg_drawGun "1" is the value that toggles displayment of the weapon, at least its so in quake3, but ill look in to it, thanks.

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