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Drain/Heal Spamming Solution?: Make TIMELIMIT Work.


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I happen to enjoy using all the forces while dueling in this game -- the give-and-take strategies make it deeper for me. And I always play light. Well timed absorbs and a good kick in the face are a blast against a darkside drainer.


But I can understand how interminable it can be to watch two guys thwack each other, step away, heal and repeat. The wait is a drag. So...




A while ago I noticed that everyone's "time playing" number resets after ever duel. Cool, I thought. Timelimit is for each round, not the map cycle. I tried setting a three minute time limit while standing alone on a map. At three minutes the duel reset. BUT...


It doesn't reset when two people (including bots) are fighting. The fraglimit (usually 1) takes precidence. Me and an opponent were even able to callvote a timelimit to 3 minutes. No go. The console even says "timelimit reached" -- but only after a frag, no matter how long it took.


If this worked the way it should, the game could stay the way it is and be much more tolerable. This could become a JEDI KNIGHT SHOT CLOCK. It could work this way:


In a three minute round, after two minutes the announcer says "one minute remaining" (which really happens) and you have to get a kill OR BOTH OF YOU ARE KNOCKED OUT, NO SCORE.


It might even be exciting for those watching.


Hello -- Raven -- Please? Or a crack Quake 3 coder out there?


Thanks for listening,



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I luckily found a DUEL server where all players agreed to not use any force powers (except for the jumping). It worked out real well. If someone did use the Force after we explained the rules, they got voted out. The non force using people had control of that server for almost ::gulp:: 6 hours. doh, i'm found out, I'm addicted to this game.


Maybe when Raven gets the console commands working properly so that people can turn on/off appropriate force powers, it will be easier to enforce this particular playstyle.

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Again, I happen to enjoy full force battles -- as well as neutral force and non-force. It's the variety of the game that I like so much. I also have fall onto the side of "if it's in the game, it's not abuse." Sure, if the gang on the server calls neutral force only, I'll stick to that (apologizing for the occasional button mistake -- that heal is very close to strafe!) -- but, dang it, I sometimes join a Jedi Master force level server 'cause I wanna play with the force, okay?


But the ultimate solutions do seem pretty easy:


1) Fix the force set-up bug in the server (see voluminous posts in the dedicated server forum).


2) Gimme my shot clock -- make TIMELIMIT work for each round.


3) Make force / neutral force / no force VOTEABLE and give it a variable so I can set a Gamspy 3D tab to filter it the way I want.


Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing...



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