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Annoying lift on Cairn


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I have made it through some vent tunnels (walkways), past some forcefields, and defeated several guards. I am standing in a lift shaft, looking at a lift going up and down. I've tried being in it, looking for a open door. I've tried blowing up doors, getting under the lift. I can't see any other exit. Help!!!

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Ok. You stand on top of the broken lift and go through the grate to where the lift is going up and down. Drop onto the top of the lift as it descends. Next, face the back wall of the shaft and to the right as the lift goes up and down you will see an opening leading to the next shaft. Go through this. Then, drop onto the top of the lift and face the doors. As the lift goes up and down you will see a large opening (green) that leads to another set of lifts. As the lift drops down, shuffle forwards until you stand in the gap. Then quickly force jump across to the other shaft before the lift smacks you in the arse. :) . Then step onto the stationary lift, look left and go through the gap to the next shaft. As that lift goes past, drop onto the top and through the broken roof. Then, as that lift reaches the bottom of the shaft, the next level will load.



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