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MP questions.


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Playing MP a few times last night [CTF of course] I was trying to do a few things I could not get to work.


Can you pull the flag out of the enemies hand? He always seemed to keep it.


If your teammate has gone over the edge, and you have forseen this, made momevents to position yourself under him [aka commited suicide before him] can you not use force push to thrust him back to ground? I tried this several times, now I was on 56k so it may have been lag, but every time it was useless.




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Originally posted by SpacemanSpiff

i don't think you can take a flag from the enemy, unless you kill 'em. if you could just "pull" a flag, ctf games would last forever...


you can push/pull your teammates to safety, but you have to be fast about it. it also depends on ping, distance, and location.


Thanks, I figure distance and force level played into it, but it seemed like I didn't even slow him up or anything and I had a push of 3 [i know why 3, but it was CTF and I was playing catch man, so..], and was less than visually 6 feet from him, so... Its likely the 56K delay that caused it though. I Probably pushed above or below him on the server.


I didn't mean pull it out of thier hands exactly, more like how you han gank thier weapon, but it makes sence not to be able to do it I suppose.

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