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These reviewers are complete idiots.


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Why the hell are you knocking a reviewer's opinion. I'd trust him more than you guys. Hmmmm whose side am I gonna take? A guy who plays games for a living and knows what he's talking about, or a star wars fanboy?


They pick a reviewer who isn't really a fan of the genre because they don't want a biased or slanted review.

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The atmosphere in System Shock 2 is unmatched. It's the only game that managed to frighten me, unlike the games that only shock you with facehuggers popping up from the darkness. And it's gameplay is just awesome, too. It just shines in so many ways... SILENCE THE DISCORD!


Deus Ex fell short in some areas, but it made up for that with it's gameplay - you can play it as you want it. It doesn't force you into a role, it lets you choose. Unlike all the (comparatively) mediocre games you can only play as the developer intended it. For me, that makes up for the few shortcomings, and overall it's one helluva game. Can't wait for DX2, they'll fix what was wrong in DX1 and improve it by a lot.


Originally posted by toolboi

Face it, it was a neat idea but they blew it as soon as they introduced the illuminati. The Illuminati were like the throw in plot catcher for all those conspiracy fans.

I just love when people speak of their opinions like they're facts. Face what? That the whole game is based on real conspiracy theories and leaving out the Illuminati would be like having no lightsaber or force powers in a Jedi Knight game?
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I thought MOH was a little too scripted for me. And after the Omaha beach level it seemed like they just gave up on the game...I realize it would be hard to follow up Omaha with a good level but it everything after that level just seemed bad.

JK2 was cool though...I am really liking it and you will often find me bashing all the star wars maniacs so I would not consider myself a fanboy of any sort.

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