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Light Saber Combat


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All in all what do you think of the light saber moves? do you think it could be an improvment if you just stand there and be able to do the same moves with out pressing loads of direction buttons what do you think?

And if there are any Final Fantasy fans here please visit http://www.geocities.com/t586270//ffv2.html i have a give away running so just register in the forums.



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That would be as boring as JK1's sabre combat. Sure it was good then but in hine-sight compared to JO's sabre control the one-key-does-all aproach like your using is not good at all. You would be trying to press the single-button to swing to your left, but instead swing diagonally to your right... You need to press a direction to tell the game where you want to swing!


If this really excellent method of sabre control is too much to learn then I sugest you replay JK1 as it has just what your after. simple and boring sabre combat.

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Personally, I liked SBX for JK/MotS. It came with different moves depending on which saber (3 kinds) you were using, which button (primary or secondary) you were perssing AND how you were moving. 2 of the sabers (normal and long) had 11 distinct moves, such as spins, backstabs, overhead hits, vertical slashes and forward thrusts. The last (lightstaff) had 8, including a windmill swing in front of you, a spin that ended in a forward stab, a normal spinn etc. All of these moves were quick and easy to excute at will, and you always felt in complete control of what was going on. for those who still play jk or mots every now and then, I reccomend checking out http://www.newcollective.org/sbx

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The SP sabercombat is awesome, very atmospheric, and I just wish I could do that cool as hell dodge that the Reborn keep doing :D


The MP sabercombat is... boring. No special moves that I can see (Not even blue's lunge) except for the Red Jump and Kill All move, it's slow as mud going uphill and it's just lacking when compared to the SP.


For JK3, I hope they put in a true mouse to blade kind of system, where your moves with the mouse translate into moves with the saber. This would mean you'd actually have to block by yourself. It would be hard to learn, but so satisfying to master. (Actually, you can do a few things like this in JK2 already. Try the following. Hold the cursor over a reborn, then strafe right and run forward and the same time. Now move your mouse in a half circle equal to the letter C. Notice how your saber swings equivalent to the letter C, and also notice how the Reborn never seem to be able to block it :D ).


Together with the lunge, these two moves in blue stance waste any SP opponent I face, with exception of Desann (who is just a cheating Barney anyways <G>).



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