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People who *****...


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Please learn to play. I've changed names several times just to avoid people *****ing. You know I play this game to have fun so if I'm sitting in a room gripping people and tossing them off something....either counter it or don't come around me.


As a light jedi I use pull and heal extensively. I don't join FFA force servers to duel you. If you don't like getting owned by pull then run away when you see me coming or kick my ass...makes no difference to me just don't ***** about it. If you can't deal with people using the force then please go to a server with a no force rull set.


Some of the comments I have heard are...that's cheap, you have no skill, Duel me!, stop being a force *****...etc etc etc....


ummm the force is part of the game, if you can't learn to use it and counter it then please recognize that YOU are the no skill *****. I could care less what tactics people use on me, be as "cheap" as you want to because the game is alot more balanced than people give it credit for and I haven't found any killer combos yet that I couldn't figure out how to beat.


What really kills me is when I'm in a FFA server and some guy feels like I owe him a duel because I killed him a few times....if I wanted to duel I'd go to a duel server....on top of that I prefer playing with the force powers...I'm usually respectful of guys who are wanting to duel and won't kill them unless one of them talks some **** to me...if I don't take the time to duel you it's because I'm working to get as many kills as possible as quickly as possible...if you can respect my playstyle I can respect yours...but if you disrespect my playstyle then don't expect me to have any sympathy for you when your running around with your sabre off.


Anyway after some tool trying to kick me over and over because I won 5 games straight it's just like piss off dude, nothing left to prove.


rant off....

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I got the same problem.


Its Star Wars Jedi Knight : Jedi Outcast , whiners grow up!


a jedi have forces , i mean YOUR a JEDI. Dark or Light dosnt matter to me, i prefer Light and fighting a Dark Jedi i got no problems with.


Dunno why people whine , complain about forces in a Star Wars game, they shouldnt really be playing Jedi Star Wars if they got a problem with The Force. Play Q123 instead if yer got a problem with sabers + force ! (what a laugh):jawa

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I'd agree about the force stuff. Their a big part of the game, but dont be a puss...


Duel people or walk away instead of knocking them in the head when they challenge you.


Have some gumption and DUEL!!! It's a pride thing, and a very cool function of the game. It's not hard to give people their space in this since it too (LIKE THE FORCE) is part of the game.


Killing a challenger while he'w waiting for an answer is no better than Spawn Killing.

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Originally posted by diderote

Agreed, people who kill someone who is challening them or HAS SEEN THEM RETRACT THEIR LIGHTSABER then challenge them and attack anyways are lame...and the point about honour is true...




They should then go to a Duel Server... and stop whining/calling for votes to kick people that aren't wanting to duel. As far as I am concerned, 2+ people dueling are 2+ people less for me to whack. ;)

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