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So what do you DO?


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Man,... looks like a lot people from the Software-Biz... <g>


I'm completely falling out of shedule as a 22y old Medicine-Student from the "old" world, Vienna in Austria... whoopi <g>


Always wanted to creat mods etc, but all I ever did were two 'Tour of Duties' for ye olde X-Wing (hmm, published at Compuserve, in its good old days, maybe floating around the Web now), Battles for TIE-Fighter and some Levels for the old DarkForces. I never got the jump to JK or Quake-Editing, but I'm looking forward to JKII to be edited by me, <vbg>

Just waiting for SDK and let's see what I can do with it... Should be easier to heal some arm-fractures, shouldn't it?



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