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Jedi master difficulty


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yeah, I just beat the game for the 2nd time on Jedi Master, and the game was not really much harder, except for those first levels w/o my lightsaber or force powers, damn!! those pissed me off, especially the prisoner protection level


*hint, if you succeed in actually saving the prisoners, just run accross the lvl, storm troopers have really bad aim, just dont let the atst step on you,

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hear what you are all saying..This is my third time to play the gam,e through now and the rest of the time I noticed that once you pass say nar shadaar the game becomes easier (force heal and other force powers come into thier own)....still dreading doing Artus topside though lol



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Guest Krayt Tion

After playing through on the medium setting I'm making my second run on SP via Jedi Master difficulty. I've got Artus_topside waiting for me when I get back from work, in fact, so wish me luck. :D

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Hehe, you'll need more than luck on Artus Topside, you'll need the Force! :D

(Too bad you haven't got it on that level yet :( )


I've FINALLY managed to get past the level once without cheating though. If you're interested in knowing how to do it, read below.



Run into the little guardhouse, kill the two imperials, activate the switch, go up. Start shooting at the stormtroopers on the left, but make sure you are in full view of all the others, so that they will start firing on you. Stormtroopers can't hit the broad side of a barn as long as you keep dodging and strafing in circles (so stray fire doesn't hit you). Keep this up until the stormtroopers from the building on the right come out. Kill them, then the AT-ST will come out to play. Now things get tricky. Run to the cannon, but stand to the right of it. Wait for the bottom AT-ST to fire at you. Quickly jump into the cannon, turn it around and nail the AT-ST firing at the prisoners. Then turn back around and shoot at the AT-ST below. If you are lucky, it will not fire any missiles at you, and you will just be able to kill it. If you are unlucky, the first two things it fires at you are missiles, and you're dead. The third AT-ST can simply be dodged and then killed with one of the other turrets.




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I started the game on Padawan (I know, what a wuss) to get the hang of it, and would like to bump up the difficulty now. Is there any way to do that without starting over? Anyone know of a hack, since there doesn't appear to be a way to do from the menus?

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Creston when I rescued the prisoners on JM difficulty, I didnt have your luxury.


AT-ST on the bottom was already firing, it was a basically a race to the blaster cannon.


Had to take out the AT-STs so I had some ammo left, then focus on the STs. I think I had to Quick S/L that at least 15x.


Lando isnt too bad when you figure out all you need to do is "buy time".


Saving the R5 unit isnt that tough on any difficulty.

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