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Heavy = No Skill!!!


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Each stance has its advantages. Strong is not lame either and it DOES take skill to use simply because you cannont swing as fast and by the time you you could have been hit 3 times with medium. SO to use effectively...YES IT DOES TAKE SKILL. Anyone who uses it ALL the time is lame though since you simply will get pulverized by all the faster sabers. That is what made Desann easy after a while aside from his force powers. His swing was so slow I could circle him and counter swing before he could recover from that huge swing. Point is use whatever stance is necessary at the time. One problem though...I can never change my style in MP for some reason it wont let me. Is there a lock that people put on it when they host??


Syphon (read I will suck your force dry hehe)

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O.K. Calm Down!!!


Here's what I'm saying. A heavy user will hit you eventually. That's all. And if they heal your med will not kill them. It's not that you can't , but if you wanna run around all day waiting for an chance to combo these guys you'll go nuts.


Going in will risk a chance of getting hit and that's it.


I kill these guys draining and throwing all the time, but it takes alot of the fun out of it.


And don't tell me you haven't played FFA Saber only?


If you have you've obviously seen these guys run into a crowd with the Ol' choppomatic. Over and Over and Over.


And have you seen the two handed chop followed by a simple mouse spin. It's dangerous as hell!


Yes you can avoid these guys, and yes you can get them, but not without spending alot of time watching and waiting, dibbling and dabbling.


And what really gets me is 5 hits versus 1 of theirs is irritating as can be.:boushh:

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Okay I may not know what I'm talking about here cus I've only had the game three days and I'm still getting used to it (personally i think its kinda fast. i mostly played half-life +its many mods up until i got Jedi so the speed difference is huge), but I've tried heavy stance and i couldn't hit a thing. so from what i have seen heavy takes a great deal of skill to master, timing is crucial and the hits have to count because otherwise you get struck down quicker than Obi Wan on crack.


Personally i stick mostly to yellow, although blue sometimes comes in handy when you have got low health and just charge into a massive battle swinging like a crazy jedi. you hardly get any kills but you make it easier for everyone else i guess. HeHeHe...kamikaze Jedi.

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I can see this turning into a similar situation like there is right now in CS... with the AWP.


One hit kills.


I still say the same thing, whine all you want. It DOES take skill. You try using that thing, I can't do it. And the people who can, are really good players. It leaves you open for a long period of time and is very easy to dodge. Sure, it's powerful, but it ISN'T cheap at all. Just like the AWP in CS, it takes skill, regardless of wether it's a one hit kill weapon or not.

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Boohoo, cry me a river. You know, if they happen to get that one 'lucky' (somehow I don't really think it was luck, but lets assume) strike on you, you DESERVE to die. Heavy is so slow and cumbersome, that if you can't dodge out of the way, you really should be killed in one hit.


And last I checked, medium took alot less than 5 hits to bring down an opponent. Maybe you should play a little more multiplayer, mmmkay?


Also, I would have to say that the people who run around in FAST stance, like a chicken with its head cut off just going crazy, are far lamer. Just my opinion, though. I think heavy stance is just fine how it is.

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I can't use Heavy either Temp... It seems kinda boring too, so practicing it gets old quick.


Here's what I've noticed from the replys to this post.


Those defending the Heavy stance either:


a. use this tactic.


b. don't mind dancing around these guys all day.


And those who hated see to be looking for epic duels like in Empire. I guess that's where I stand too.:boushh:

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Cheshirekat, that was one of the stupidest replies I have read. Cutting the heavy stance will not make anything better. Heavy stance is just as good and just as bad as the other 2 stances. And how do light and medium stances equel epic duels like in Empire? that is some funny crap.


Any duels you see in the movie is one hit kills, it's just that it's faster paced like the light and medium stances but most of the swings are blocked and parried. So if you want epic style combat, complain about the other stances not being one-hit kills


But you can't do one hit kills in fast or medium stance cause then people would be complaining about people spinning laming everyone with their one-kill fast style sabers.


So Raven did the smart choice and made heavy stance dueling have vulnerabilities while also making it a viable choice for those with skill to hit fast moving targets in a slow prolonged swing that can't hit anything without timing and foreseeing where the person will go next.

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I probably posted this before but I'll say it again. I understand your woes about heavy stance. Just today I got killed on a duel no force server just by getting hit by the heavy stance special move (thats 100 health and 25 sheild). Sure it frustrating at first, but honestly it isn't a life or death situation. This is just a game. You have your bad days and your good. If Raven finds it nessary to fix the damage points for heavy stance they will do it. Until then just try to live with it.

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like many others have said, if you die from a strong stance, then its you that needs to practice a bit more and not the other guy. perhaps in a NF game you might be a a slight disadvantage , but in a force game there is no excuse to ever die to a strong stance.

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That one hit kill slash isnt hard to pull of! I even have it binded to 2 keys here. all I do is push a and z all the time to do that move.


It's boring and slow as hell. but it gets me a lot of kills, [sarcasm]and that's what its all about, winning is fun. Why put effort into slashing someone 5 times to get a kill, when one hit is enough to get the same effect. [/sarcasm]


ok. I hate that move. It slows down the gameplay so bad, and there are enough players who ONLY do that move over and over and over again while u duel them. It's boring. It might not be cheap, I can understand why people use it, but it is boring to see someone who's constantly doing the same move over and over again.

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SO let me get this straight, its okay to hold down fire and do this pointless non skill"swinger" but if you actually take some time and aim with heavy and kill its lame. The fact is that one hit jump strike isnt entirely acurate, and unless your binding moves its not as easy to do as often as you might think. ANd if you do die from it, you deserve to for standing still in combat. The fact is all three have there strengths and weakness's. It all comes down to preference. I belive they are all equally good, and to sit here and come on this board and try and start an argument because you probably just came out fo a match you lost. I agree there are alot of swingers and one hit heavy lamers. But i consider myself of a decently good skill with heavy as well as the others. Heavy is SLOW and powerful. Hint. SLOW.


ANd to address all this crap about if the blades on the ground. Dont run into it. Dont be around, its a weapon that kills, why are you hugging a heavy stance user. Be mobile, be quick, be cautious. Theyre all good. And ime sure ive upset someone with this post. But the reality is, its jsut a game, and it all comes downt o preference. and despite what you all may think it takes skill to know when to swing and when not to with heavy, when a noob swinger is comming at you.


No offense intended, this is just another opinion,


See you on the battlefiend




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I only do that move by mistake when I accidently hit the right sequence. I never hit anything and it usually puts me in a disadvantage because the other guy gets in position to kill me.


I'm have seen anyone use that move constantly yet but I can see how that could get annoying. I have only had it kill someone once in the few times I did it. I don't even think it's that good a strategy.


I like using strong stance at the beginning and getting in a good swing that usually hits the guy (usually not a headshot so he's just low on health), then I switch to fast style and finish off what's left.


The strong stance over the head move is only good when a player is trapped or doesn't move much, otherwise you're liable to get a saber in your side.

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I think the solution to this problem is what has come up before: lower the reverse speed (I think you know what I mean). I play on no or low force, saber only, duel servers. I can understand to a point why he is mad. So many times I have seen two morons dancing around and swinging at the air with heavy stance. I think next time I'll start timing how long one of these duels takes. Personally, I use medium for the most part. Occassionally I can slip in the strong stance special to surprise an enemy (especially those players crouching while in light stance, trying to hit you with it's special move). I think the people on the other side of this issue should tone down as well. The game is not completely skill. There is always the random factor (AKA luck). For example, one player's ping could spike and the other player kills them during this. So telling him that he deserves to die because of a random factor (luck) is utter crap. I mean come on people, that's like telling a poker play he deserved to lose, when the fact is that the cards just didn't go his way that time.

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Actually I think the majority of the people here complainging are complaining about those heavy stance users that swing randomly around or just try and do the one hit kill, and thats all they do. I mean seriously there are skilled heavy stance users out there but then there is the wannabe's that just swing randomly around like they were on fast stance or something or just jump slice jump slice hoping to hit the person due to lag

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C'mon people, don't you understand.


If you are new to the game, you should immediately realise what you are doing isn't liked.

If you 'prefer' a style of fighting, others should adapt to it, especially if their style is unfair to yours and gives them more 'lucky shots'

I mean, this poor guy doesn't like nor want to put the time into stopping, changing to Heavy, then waiting for this guy to take a swing, then swing himself and hit him.

If that doesn't work, the poor bugger then has to think of another way, such as throwing his lightsaber.

And oh, dear god, that leaves him open to another attack from bob next door.

More thinking... OK, don't want to be defenseless, maybe roll out of the group of fighting Jedi's, pull out a gun, shoot.

Nope, no gun server.

Hmmmmm, roll out of the group (cause if you jump some guy using force push all the time will push you), throw the lightsaber..

OH DAMN, someone who hasn't thought through the defenseless thought in a group might throw his lightsaber at you.

Where was I....


Look, can't you all see how difficult this is. It'd be much more fun if the person never swung a heavy stance.




end sarcasm


I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, I really couldn't, I know it wasn't helpfull, I just couldn't.....

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A lot of people in this thread seem to be forgetting one thing: To use heavy stance, you've got to put a bunch of points into saber attack. If you just use medium you can save a few points and put them into other force skills.... Thus, its perfectly justifiable that heavy is as strong as it is...

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Originally posted by Wiseman

A lot of people in this thread seem to be forgetting one thing: To use heavy stance, you've got to put a bunch of points into saber attack. If you just use medium you can save a few points and put them into other force skills.... Thus, its perfectly justifiable that heavy is as strong as it is...


No, thats not it!

It doesn't matter where their force powers are or if they even have force powers.

This poor fellow that started the thread is experiencing these 'unskilled' fighters using an unfair advantage of luck (damn them! :swear: ) by swinging... ever so madly slowly... and because you, the skilled one, are using medium, you have to put yourself in a continuous dangerous position to hit this guy.

Don't take into account anything else, thats not what its about, its about the fact you have to hit this guy 6 times and they can luckily hit you.

Your too skilled to resort to his level and flail slowly about, sort of like ballroom dancing. And you don't want to do that anyway.


OK, my solution before was no good, no good at all




So, lets say, there are not force powers, its a duel, no guns.

DID the first person who started this, ever thing he should advance to using force powers, or, perhaps, increase his skill (I know I know, its boring, why should you, they are the ones who should learn to fight medium, its boring when you fight heavy)


If you never want to fight Heavy, mod the game, it came with heavy, the server, doesn't have the 'No Lucky shots' option, and the person I quoted is right, they have to put force powers into this slot.

You could I suppose defend your point of view with

'What if they are realllyyy luckky and not skilled, I could still die'.


Take into the situation the people who like fighting like this, it isn't easy to hit someone, even in the back with this unless they are standing dead still, the reword if you do is a clean kill.



rant rant rant


I think there was a bit of sarcasm in that, sorry. I think I've made it clear, and all those Heavy fighters out there, I disagree with this person, even if you are hopeless. Keep trying



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Originally posted by Darth Abbadon

I think the solution to this problem is what has come up before: lower the reverse speed (I think you know what I mean). I play on no or low force, saber only, duel servers. I can understand to a point why he is mad. So many times I have seen two morons dancing around and swinging at the air with heavy stance.


Same situation here, this is so true. And its not just a matter of the heavy stances one hit kill moves that so many spaz's love. There are some real problems with heavy lingering effects and hitting you when the saber is obvisouly not hitting you.


Coupled with the immense damage and some of the obvisouly broken moves, there are some real problems with heavy.


Look at it this way. What stance do the least skilled spazes use? Heavy, because they know how to exploit it. It can be exploited because it has the most problems.

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Well theres a ligit argument,

So due to lag Heavy stays in mid swing longer? or its more you see them finish and they haven't?

I haven't encountered that before. But slowing running backwards was argued about that duelling would be different on all stances. Theres a post somewhere on it and some good points were raised against.

And whats the screen doing in front of you? is it jumpy or smooth, I've always had a smooth screen, haven't played in the jumpy games, its just horrible.


No sarcasm was meant in this either, I'm serious about those questions.

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