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at the jedi knight level of play...


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has anyone managed to get by the artus mine surface level where you have to keep the prisoners alive till the shuttle arrives?


i CANNOT do this and have begun to think it may be just impossible.


if you did, how did you do this? that would be quite a feat.

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Speed. You can't waste any time at all.


Hit the bottom button,

get up the lift,

jump into the gun,

blast the AT-ST,

eliminate the top left Storms first as they have a better angle on the prisoners,

then eliminate all top soldiers,

As they change up eliminate the top left ones again,

by now you need to watch your health so eliminate the ones on the ground,

then blast the next AT-ST ASAP.




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You can lure the first AT-ST further away down the canyon, to the hangar door which is closed now, and leave it there (if you go in the right place, it won't follow you). Then do as above, except you won't have to waste time and health on the first AT-ST (which you can lure back and blast later when not in a hurry).

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