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Push / Pull = HBP


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Alright, I was playing in the Bespin map (the one with little walking and lot of empty) and every SINGLE time I'd fight certain people EVERY push he used sent me sprawling to the ground, and then he'd push again and I'd go into a pit. Hell, sometimes I'd be running up to him and he'd just push me straight out off the stage. Arrrrrrrrrgh. My push and pull were both fully levelled and EVERY time I had full force - how the heck do you stop people from doing that?! Even then, how are they doing it? It's so freaking annoying. I was standing STARK still a platform away with saber out not swinging, and the mf still knocked me off straight out.


Help appreciated.

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If you're moving or doing almost ANYTHING it makes you much more vulnerable to being pushed/pulled. The thing that sucks is on maps like Warring Factions or Nar Shadda you end up dying due to falling repeatedly by doing just about ANYTHING. If you're really patient, just stand still and wait for them to either make a saber swing or attempt to use a power and then push while they're still active.

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Originally posted by tomservo51

My guess is that u suck and the other guy doesn't. Whats your D-fence set to?



saber defence hasent got squat to do with that.


If you jump, theres no defence, if you move theres some defence, standing still, more defence, attacking leaves some to none defence.


And chances of doing it increases the more closer you are to him.


Edit: not so sure about crouching, but its probally the same as standing

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heres a tip for all those people that are pushing. if you are getting pushed just turn and face your oppenent and run straight for him and jumpkick his butt by holding forward against him and jumping, before he know what hit him he will be flying backwards. then just push or pull him off the ledge and he will never know what happen.


hint: if pulling you need to step to the side or do it at a angle so he flys past you and not in front of you. if he does appear in front of you wait a second and jump kick him again. just make sure you have enough room to land after the jump kick.

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