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How do you............................?


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You bind a key in the console to +taunt. To get to the console hit shift+~ then type bind KEY COMMAND where KEY is the key on the keyboard or mouse you want to bind to (ex: mouse1, k, g, F4, etc.) and COMMAND is the command you want to bind (ex: +taunt, etc.). If you want to get creative with binding, you can bind taunts to keys using quotes around the command (ex: bind KEY "CHATKEY ENTER TAUNT HERE". The CHATKEY is whatever key you use to start a global chat msg).

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Originally posted by Nightmare47

I'm pretty sure that would have something to do with making another .pk3 file with taunt sounds in it, but dont quote me on that ;)



okay, i wont :)


whops, how did that happen


Anyway, no it doesnt, ive seen other people doing it, i just never asked how.


Edit: i think you have to extract some files from something, and then some (coming back to me slowly)

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