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Toggling Walk/ Run to a key?

Wes Janson SMR

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Is there a way to toggle between walking and running with a keystroke? No, I'm not talking about the default option, where you have to hold down the walk/run key for the oposite effect. I want to just tap a key, and have it switch without me having to hold anything down. Get what I'm saying?

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set fast "+movedown; set runswitch vstr slow; echo Running..."

set slow "-movedown; set runswitch vstr fast; echo Walking..."

set runswitch "vstr fast"

bind shift "vstr runswitch"



make that runwalk.cfg

then make an autoexec.cfg that has


exec runwalk.cfg


in it. It's based on the crouch toggle script from planetquake.com/thebind/ so any thanks should go there.

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