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I Rescued LANDO...need help.!


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I think from there (you currently are either on the roof where a couple of Grans were) or on the sidewalk extending from it with one door in the middle which is now closed. At the end of this sidewalk, there should be a door to your right with some Trandoshans inside; once you kill them there should be another hallway and a long corridor extending to your left, with a window and a sniping Rhodian at the end. From that point, I think, you can get onto the continuation of the big sidewalk. From there, you can jump onto a platform just beneath the two destroyed guns, and from there, into the window with the guns themselves. Now from that hallway, there should be another corridor extending towards the central structure with a lot of glass windows which you saw earlier and which is locked out from the outside; once you get there, you can press the switch on the control panel which should open the big hangar door to the star pad.


By the way: in the structure with a lot of glass windows, take out some of the glass near the entrance. Then jump ontop of the door post of the middle door, and from there, take a leap on the roof (you will have to crouch at the top of the jump to actually land on the roof because your Force Jump s***s at that point). Facing the big wall, walk the ceiling trusses to your right - that is a secret area.


Then jump down the building and exit in on the door to your left while facing away from the abyss (this door should now be open). You will get to where you were earlier in the mpa; on your right, notice the slippery slope. Jump on that slope, and then onto the roof to your right - that's another secret area.


Finally, once Lando gives asks you to switch on the fuel supplies, you will have to jump onto the fuel tank with red and blue valves on top of it (which you saw earlier in the game) - use the same technique of "pulling your feet up" by crouching at the top of the jump. The codes you need to enter can be seen in the main hangar on the respective valves to which The Lady Luck is attached. From that fuel tank, you can walk down the fuel pipes and jump on top of a bigger fuel tank, from where you can land on another orrf, which is the last secret area.

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I am at the part with a big abyss chasm thing thats red, theres 2 dudes with crossbows and then a room at the back that is very dark. BUT! there is absolutely no way of passing there, where the hell do i go? Ive used my goggles but i dont see any place to go.

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If you use Light Amplification Goggles in that room (some batteries are near the red abyss), you will see that the dark room consists of some big round tanks. One of them is pretty low an can be Force Jumped over. Once you do that, you need to pass around a crate in that room, then crouch and get under another crate, then walk straight till you hit the wall, turn right, kill the guy with the crowwbow, turn right again, then left. Then you are on the roof with a few more Grans and Trandoshans (if you haven't killed them already from the other side).

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