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Battle Droid WIP


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Long way to go on it yet. The model itself still needs a backpack, and the limbs will need repositioned, but I've tried to give the joints detail so this should not be a problem. Just posted this to see what everyone thinks, and if there are any glaring errors with the mesh.

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looks really good so far. My only criticism have to do with the chest area, but I don't think I can properly critique that until the backpack is on... the chest area looks tiny without it. But I think the shoulders could do with some tweaking... make em bigger, basically. Ooh, and I think the legs should be a little more spindly.




Either than that, looks great! You must've had really good refs, cause nothing else catches my eye.


Be sure to post meshes when you're done too, so us skinners can get to work! :)

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I'm guessing that this would be for a SP mod of Episode 1?


Sure enough, you could use it in MP, for a fire-fight, but it would be an absolute ***** to animate for saber attacks, wouldnt it?


Keep in mind, I know absolutely nothing about modelling or animating, so be kind in your responces :p


Although I must admit, that looks damn good! :D


Out of curiosity, what did you use to make it?

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Actually, I made it because I wanted to. It's not for any mod, though if any mod does want it, email me. I was planning on adding a little extra that replaces the stormtroopers in SP with these just for fun :)


The SP and MP models for the game are the same, which means this will work for both. As for animating, all the existing models in JKII get their animations from one file which will hopefully be useable with this mesh. Basically means once the skeletons set up, i wont have to worry about the individual animations (i hope). This was the main reason why I never had a go at building player models before (this is my first). If this is the case, kudos to raven for making modelling a much easier experience!


Edit: just saw the last bit. This was built entirely in Milkshape, though 3ds MAX will be needed to convert it to the game.

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I dont get it... Some people go nuts over skins that are well, pretty plane... But for this, you get little reaction like, nice, good work, stuff like that.


Just look at it !!! its not just a skin, its whole new model that looks amazingly like the one in the movie! I just wanna say

AMAZING JOB MAN !!!! Can't wait to see this animated!

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At Lucasarts? I think you mean Lucasfilm.


I had that Battledroid for Half-Life once myself. It was pretty cool - three different versions. A Battledroid with backpack, Command driod (yellow stripes) and this other one (red stripes) that don't have backpacks.


If it looks good you could donate it to those people making the Episode II MOD. Try making a destoryer driod ;) or even a Super Battledroid (pics available at starwars.com).

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Originally posted by Pid

At Lucasarts? I think you mean Lucasfilm.


I had that Battledroid for Half-Life once myself. It was pretty cool - three different versions. A Battledroid with backpack, Command driod (yellow stripes) and this other one (red stripes) that don't have backpacks.


If it looks good you could donate it to those people making the Episode II MOD. Try making a destoryer driod ;) or even a Super Battledroid (pics available at starwars.com).


I'm planning on making all colours for the skins of this droid. As for the droideka it would be pretty tough to animate, but would be supremely cool, so theres a possibility. The super battle droid I really can't stand, so I don't really want to make that.

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