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Mission Pack Idea


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Somewhat similar, somewhat not...


I'm going to be sending in a story for what I think should end up as a mission pack for JO. It may, or may not involve Kyle. What I'm thinking is you play as a jedi, which as i said doesn't have to be Kyle. (No, a new face won't kill you) But in this, you are studying at the Jedi Academy, after Desann's defeat. Somewhere along the lines another dark jedi would emerge and your missions would eventually lead to fighting him or her.


However the majority of the beginning missions would be trials in jedi training, some of which may involve skywalker. As you progress through these trials, you would be recognized for your abilities with the force, and chosen to lead a handful of others against this/these dark jedi.


I don't know, maybe add some new force abilities / gametypes.

Possible gametype would be similar to duel, only it would be like a ffa duel. In this however, one player at a time will fight a different dark jedi/light jedi depending on their stand in the way of the force. As this fight goes on, no other players are able to get near the fight, levels would be colussium-ish. Instead of that boring time spent in SPECTATOR, you can run around the area outside of the designated fight zone. This gives you the option of watching the battle or just passing time jumping and running around with your character.


Maybe even add the ability to make your own saber. Have some pre-made parts, let the players put them together in whatever combination they want, and allow them to change the color/design on not just the blade, but on parts of the saber itself. This would be available for both single/multiplayer. (I wouldn't mind being able to put my saber down in a multiplayer game either, much like in SP where you can throw it and press 1 to drop it)


Another feature would of course be to sit ( I have posted many threads trying to get some answers on ways to do this with no luck at all ) I feel that at the time that something like this could be released though, there may be some code that allows you to sit in chairs, barstools, etc. and more importantly sit like the jedi in the academy level. (useful in previously mentioned gametype : maybe a dojo level)


Anyway, I'm going to be writing up a possible story-line for this, and just maybe it will give LEC/Raven/Activision a useful look at this idea. If you would like a copy, post here or private message me, but give me time to get it written up completely. -peace.



P.S. - I could use some help with possible character names.

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