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What do you think about this?


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-I am so freakin' sick and tired of idiots(noobs and a$$holes alike) interfering in locked duels!!:mad:

-I have an idea...... this can be implemented in a form of a mod or a feature addition by Raven.

--Some kind of force-field bubble should cover the parameter of the two players dueling. This way, anyone that tries to interfere would either get knocked back or just cant get in the way like running into a wall. -I think this sounds like a good idea;)

-I think it just totally sucks to be locked in a duel and you or yur enemy losing because some peep(s) think its funny to keep getting in the way!:rolleyes:


-Also, I think it sucks that only one duel at a time can be engaged! Why is this? -We should be able to engage in locked duels at anytime regardless of another set of players dueling. Hopefully, this will be adressed in a patch as well

..................just my .2 S!TH-Sense;) :)

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