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Just a few questions...


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I just have a few questions about SP vs. MP....


First off, forgive me if this has already been posted...


Second, is there no backflip in SP? I just can't seem to do the backflip off the wall in SP like I can in MP. Is this a bug or something intentionally left out? Or am I just having delusion of grandeur?


This one isn't really about SP vs. MP but about the Dark Jedi in SP ..... why can Desann hold force lightning on you long enough to kill and still keep holding it there??????? wouldn't he run out of force mana just Kyle???? And why can they jump so stinking high???


Why can you ONLY go up to 50% health in SP with Jedi Master (it might be the same for Jedi Knight, I'm not sure ... I only started playing SP Jedi Master today ... I beat the game on Jedi, but I felt like a wimp so I decided to play it on Jedi Master) and why can't you pick up any shield boosters when your shields are over 50% and can only use the recharger units... I think that's dumb. Isn't it enough that the blaster bolts do more damage? At least, I should think they would...


I guess those would really be my only complaints of the game save for the AI isn't as good as I had hoped. I've liked Deus Ex's AI system the best so far ... of course I haven't played as many games as you guys have.


That's all I can think of right now... sorry if that's just ramblings that everyone will ignore...



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