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your best squad


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Okay here is the question....


You have 15 units in which to cause as much destruction to an enemy base as possible, but only 15. What mix of units to you take?


Feel free to specify whether you are attacking by sea or land, and whether you are rushing or attempting to cause damage to a well defended tech 3 or 4 base. Just post the situation and what you are taking in and then if you have time tell a few reasons why your 15 are going to do more damage then anyone else's mix.


Keep posting guys lets keep this forum running strong as we all get excited for episode 2.





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Land, Tech 4.

I would have 3 undeployed/deployed cannons

2 pummels

and 10 destroyer droids.

As a trade federation player, that will say.

The cannons take out fortresses and turrets, while the destroyer droids protect them from attacks. And the pummels would get loose on all other buildings.

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