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Will the JKII:JO Community Last as Long as JKI?


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Does JO show as much promise to players for them to stick around and play as long ast hey did for JK? Is the game great enough for everyone to compete for a long time?


I've heard a ton of complaining about the game being unbalanced, the weapons being corny, and the lag being a problem. Will all this affect the size, strength, and lasting(??) of the community?

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Hell yes, it appears that Ravensoft will be patching stuff in JO to balance and adhere to the majorities wishes for the game, if they keep doing that this game can go ALONG time. Just by Star Wars junkies alone, thats without mods or expansions.


The main reason why Jk1 wasn't so mainstream as Quake 2 back in the day is because of hte graphics now JK2 has that and the playability of JK1 in multiplayer.

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Originally posted by Mafia_Jabba

Does JO show as much promise to players for them to stick around and play as long ast hey did for JK? Is the game great enough for everyone to compete for a long time?


I've heard a ton of complaining about the game being unbalanced, the weapons being corny, and the lag being a problem. Will all this affect the size, strength, and lasting(??) of the community?


I think this will depend on whether mods start cropping up that enable teams to organize matches better, along with mods that have gametypes that appeal to not only Star Wars fans, but to the current crop of FPS fans.


As far as the problems with lag, that's something that modemers will just have to deal with. I have a feeling that the modem playing JK1er's out there are going to come to see what JK2 has to offer and either get broadband to compete, or quit due to frustration.



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eh? jk1 still has a following because of star wars fans, NOT because of people who like fps, I can still remember all the random board spam about turn jediknight.net into a quake site ;)


JKII will be no different, if it has a community 1 or 2 years from now im betting they will be star wars fans not fps kiddies ;)




err correct me if im wrong ;)



P.S. I can still school YOU(whoever is reading this) in jk/mots ;-p

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i dunno if JO will last as long :/


but JK isnt just popular with SW fans, i mean sure the movies are good, but i still play JK1 (rarely) you cant beat a duel on BGJ. for me it is better than JO for NF sabers, but im sure JO will grow on me


the one area JO is better tho if FF Saber Duels, its far less contrived, and being good at it doesnt depend on having 20 fingers.

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I think that the JO community will be around for a while. There are 2 reasons why I think so.

1. Based on the star wars universe, and this always draws the punters in...EVERYONE say that they are the biggest star wars fan, and you only have to look at some of the shoddy games to come out lately based on the star wars universe that people will buy anything star warsey (including me)

2. Based on the quake 3 engine....this seems to instill in people (nOObs usually) that it is a ticket to great gaming pleasure, because the engine and game quake 3 is so popular. This has 2 effects. 1. Brings in people with previous knowledge of q3..modders skinners etc. and 2, brings in the quakers. This is both a good and bad thing, good cos some of them are bloody good players and bad cos some of them bring along the quake mentality. I only say this because JO is different and should be played differently....and this isnt another rant bout sabers v guns.


At the end of the day JK1 like the original tribes has a strong cult following, this is what we need for JO. It needs to have a sense of comminity to succeed and with the creative ideas I have seen on these forum posts I believe that the gaming community will make it flourish.



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