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JO Radiant release date and levels, and such...


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Ok, I know you guys(and gals) haven't released the editing tools, yet, but could we have an estimated time of arrival of the tools, Raven? PLEASE?! At least give us a progress report as to what's going on with it. ;)


As with the levels, and such; this is to all level editors and future level editors. Try not to make huge outdoor levels like Artus Mines. It REALLY bogs performance down, especially on really small rigs. If you DO want to make huge outdoor ones, at least make a dubbed down version, if you have enough time, or want to put in that much effort. It'd be of much appreciation. I speak for all of the smaller-rigged gamers out there. I intend to make a lo-detail version of my levels, if needed. I have a P2 400 MHZ 128 RAM GeForce 3 Ti 200 O/C'ed to a Ti 500. Artus Mines, and lots of models literally start to melt my PC. I plan on getting a bigger rig soon, but....just for everyone's sake, let's not go TOO poly-crazy on our levels. On BGJ 2.0 and the Bespin Exhaust level, I get AWESOME framerates, but on SP levels like Artus Mines, and MP levels like the Carbon Chamber one.....well, framerates just aren't that great. At all. It's more of an enclosed area sort of deal, I think; but narrowing down some of the detail just a tad would be the best, IMO. This post may seem redundant, and sort of odd at first, but most people will get where I'm coming from.






(I'm from The Massassi Temple, and I am a HARD-CORE JK fan. ;) I also spend most of my days on the PC editing JK, while PATIENTLY awaiting JO Radiant. :D)

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I'm sure that there will be maps that have detail, and don't have detail in them, so I wouldn't worry too much. I do think that it might be smarter to upgrade your box though, since I'm sure most of the really really really beautiful and good levels will be high poly nightmares. :D I'm planning on making a few maps, perhaps my first few I'll try to keep the poly count down. That should be easy, as my first paper design for the first SP level I do will be a Dark Forces type level (No Saber).

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