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I just finished downloading a bunch of new skins and I unzipped them all in the "base" file in the Jedi Knight 2 file. Whenever I go in and try to play multiplayer, hardly any of the skins can be selected, and if they can, only certain ones are available. Are certain skins only applicable in certain modes like FFA or CTF?? Please help me.

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Thanks for the initial post. I have the exact question. I know some skins cannot be played in CTF/CTY. However, when I try to use some bots that have bot functionality (according to their readme files), some still don't show up in the "Create Server" screen. I can select for myself to be them in the game's "Setup" screen, but its very frustrating to hear people rave about a bot, and then not be able to play against it myself. Please help!

(FYI: I don't believe it has anything to do with that "Force Player Model" thing, as I can select other bots that I've downloaded to be in the game, and also the "Force Player Model" thing is off on the setup screen.)

Thanks for any suggestions in advance.


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Found this over at JK2Files.com. It talks about making a downloaded skin work as a bot. This pertains to an Emperor bot, but I think it applies to many different bots. Visit the exact page below for more details.






"To use it as a skin, just extract the The_Emperor.pk3 into your /GameData/base directory.

To use it as a bot, you'll have to do more. See the detailed instructions in the included readme.txt which can also be viewed below.


To configure to game to use the Emperor bot:

1. Start up WinZip

2. Click on open

3. Find the \GameData\base dir in the dir you installed the game.

4. Open up assets0.pk3 (make sure that the "File Type" drop down menu says all files)

5. Have WinZip sort the files by path

6. Find the bots.txt and extract it into your root dir (example: C:\) and make sure that Use folder names is


7. Now open up a Windows Explorer (NOT the browser, you know what I mean, right?) go to your root dir (C:\) and go into the botfiles dir.

8. Open up the bots.txt

9. Add the following lines at the end of the list of darkside bots (DONOT FORGET TO SAVE IT):



name "Emperor_Palpatine"

model The_Emperor

color1 0

personality /botfiles/The_Emperor.jkb

//This is the Emperor bot



10. Now, get back into the WinZip (the one that has assets0.pk3 open) and click on add.

11. From the window that pops up goto the root dir (C:\) and click on the botfiles dir (DONOT get into the dir, just select it). Make sure that "Save full path info" is checked. Now, click on the "Add" button.

12. Just to check that the old bots.txt was overwrited, open it up and look for the new lines.

Its set up now.


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What does that mean? How do I do that?

I'm only playing with myself, with bots, on my computer! The internet should be irrelevant. Is there something else I need to do even though the internet doesn't factor into the process?

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